“But you know that there is someone who wouldn’t have left you...”

“Do not say it,” she begged.

“But you know it's true. You know that Diana had left everything to one side to help you. I know that you don't like her, but she would do everything so that you are okay.”

“Don't want her pity,” she grimaced.

“Although you don’t admit it we both know that at the end you’ll have seized her to cope with everything.”

“I would like to back the time and correct everything.”

“But you can't. You have to get over it or you’ll go crazy. And before all this passes to the past I want to tell you something.”


“I want to finish with the plan. I don't see the sense to humiliate her after everything that has happened. I just want this to end and leave it in the past so that we can continue with our lives.”

“Sure,” she agreed so quickly that I thought that I had heard her wrong.

“I am glad that we can put that to one side. I feel that I have taken a weight off my shoulders and that I can calmly breathe again. It is good to know that we can fix things so fast.”

“Yes, as you say.”

We stayed silent for a couple of minutes. The only thing that was heard in the room was our slow breaths and Arianna, who was doing something on the floor below.

“I don't want see Liam,” she murmured against her bed sheets. “I could barely speak to him a week ago; I don’t think that we can talk about it now. I know that you are very angry and hate me for doing what I did. But he‘s also to blame because the first time I told him I was pregnant he yelled at me a lot of things that I didn't want to listen. And now that the baby it’s gone he regrets.”

Audrey sounded upset, but at the same time sounded sad and alone.

“One day you will have to deal with it, and that day you both will decide how to take what happened. What's done is done. You cannot change it.”

I stood up to leave the room, giving by ending our conversation.

“Niall, before you go I would like to ask you something,” her voice spoke from behind me.


“Why do you want to end the plan?”

“Don't know. Simply don't see the sense to do what we had planned,” I just answer.

“You started to like her, isn't it? I mean like something more than a victim or a friend,” she accused me.

I just shrugged and walked out of her room.

While Niall’s life was a chaos in the journal, the Hanna’s life was worse in the present. To Hanna’s ears has become another rumor saying that Josh cheated on her. That kind of rumors had already reached her and a couple of times had been real. And now that their relationship is another weak area she doesn't know what to do with that.

She can’t sleep and remembers the things she had found a month ago. In her bedside table are the two other diaries, the sealed envelope and the key. She takes the key and with the light of the full moon that comes through the window examines the key carefully, thinking if she has seen any lock in which the key could enter. But doesn't remember any key.

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