Chapter 15

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October 12, 2009

9:47 p.m.

When I arrived at school (later than usual) Audrey had her arms crossed. The cigarette between her fingers was on. Her tough stance and her scowl showed that she was angry. Alex was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall where I always was. She had her eyes closed and hands resting on her lap. The morning sun warmed her skin. Her hair braided perfectly.

I sat next to Alex. She didn’t open her eyes. I put my bag next to me and leaned my back against the wall.

“Hi,” I said. She then turned her head and opened her eyes. Her eyes looked me so straight in the eyes that I thought she was reading my soul.

“Hello,” her cheeks flushed.

She turned her head back looking at nothing. She pursed her lips and began to play with her ​​braid. A lock escaped the braid. Alex sighed, unbind the league and begun to make the braid again.

“Is something wrong?” I questioned.

The bell rang and everyone started to enter. I noticed that Audrey had been looking at Alex. There was so much hate in her eyes that I did not even want to think what would happen if looks could kill.

“We have to talk at the end of the classes,” she quickly grabbed her things and stood up.

I looked at her in confusion as she walked with everyone else. I frowned, brushed off the dust and prepared to go to class.

Throughout the day Alex avoided me and by that I mean that she avoided our entire group. She was late to all the classes to be able to sit in front and far away from us as possible. When Louis and Brandon spoke to her she just smiled and ignored them. During lunch Alex sat with Harry and Zayn.

Louis and Brandon tried to persuade her to sit with us but she refused inventing lame excuses.

In class she limited herself to do the work with me talking to me only if it was necessary. At first I tried to make conversation but after a while I gave up so we just talked about the work. When we finished we gave it the teacher and left the classroom. She turned on her heels and headed to her next class.

At departure time I waited for Alex to come out. I was leaning next to the main door. Everybody went out while talking and carrying their books. I started to twist a cigarette between my fingers. Almost all were gone when Alex decided to come out. We two went downstairs and walked silently to her car.

The parking lot was empty. Alex bit her lower lip and clutched the strip of her backpack. When we were next to her car she turned around, facing me with closed eyes and flushed cheeks.

“I'm sorry. I really did not want to interrupt you,” she said so quickly that I hardly understood her.


“No, let me speak. I did not mean to interrupt you. I know you are upset, especially Audrey. I'm embarrassed for interrupting my sister and her boyfriend...”

“Wait. Boyfriend?” I interrupted her and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

She opened her eyes and the heat rose to her face.

“Audrey was furious and she said...” Alex stammered.

“I don’t date girls,” I said laughing.

She raised an eyebrow and I could see the doubt in her face.

“I’m not gay,” I crossed my arms.

The True HappinessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz