Chapter 31

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December 11, 2009 

4:10 am

Winter vacations, at least for me, means sleeping all day and going out at night. Diana had begun to take a new medicine four days ago and after taking the pill after breakfast she slept almost all day, so when night came she was very awake and charged her energy.

And the truth is that this helped a lot to my plan to sleep all day. After staying the night awake or returning home when the sun started to go out, sleeping all day snuggling was an excellent idea.

But today it wasn’t... Today was an especially tiring day. Especially for me. Diana is more than angry with me and Liam has given me a good beating. But before you make hasty conclusions... Let me tell you how it all happened.

Around six o'clock I woke up Diana so she could get ready, to go out to the club with the others. A good party was going to be today and the truth is that I felt like going out.

“Do you think that I should wear a dress or a skirt?” She asked me looking between her small wardrobe clothes.

“It is the same. Just put something on.”

She rolled her eyes.

“It is not the same, Niall.”

She took out a short red pencil skirt which embraced to her hips like a second skin, and a strapless white blouse, with a slight low neckline leaving to your imagination to discover what was hiding under the fabric and the neckline adorned with a golden fabric. She bent over, crawling on the floor and showing me her perfect butt, until she found her golden heels.

“Are you already going to finish?” I asked from her bed. I was lying down playing with my phone waiting for her to be ready so we could leave.

“Don’t be so impatient.”

She was doing her makeup and fixing her hair. Her hair had been perfectly wavy and her eyes outlined with black, making them seem larger and more seductive. Her eyelashes elongate with mascara and her lips were painted a reddish pink. She put her belongings in a clutch and I offered her my hand.

“Are you ready?”

“Yep,” she popped the P.

“Bike or car?”

“Car. It snowed in the afternoon and the streets are too slippery to go on a motorcycle. In addition, the legs would be me frozen.”

“Then you shouldn’t wear such a short skirt,” I said with irony.

“I can wear jeans,” she shrugged and I shook my head. I wouldn’t lose that opportunity to delight myself with her legs.

“Alright, then we should go now,” she climbed in her car and I smiled before opening the driver's side door and turning on the engine.

Liam didn´t show up and Audrey didn’t arrive for more than obvious reasons. Louis and Brandon brought their “dates” and Nadia and Brooke their respective boyfriends. The music began to rumble in our ears a couple of streets before we got to the club.

“IDs,” it was the first thing that the man who was at the door said.

Diana pulled my arm and leaned a bit on my shoulder.

“What are we going to do?” Diana whispered in my ear.

“Don't worry about that,” I reassured her.

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