Chapter 10

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Hanna sat down next to his grandfather, taking him out of his thoughts. She took the book and began to read again.

"She stood up..."

She stoop up and started putting glasses on the table. She ordered us not to look as she filled the glasses.

"It's simple. One is full of vodka and the others with water. Everyone chooses one and who takes the glass of vodka chooses truth or dare," she explained.

We all took a glass. Liam was the first and as he choose dare he was forced to eat a mixture of everything we find in the kitchen. He almost throws up but he resisted.

The game rounds went by and more and more people joined the game. I knew Audrey was just waiting for her sister to take the vodka to humiliate her. But until that time luck was on Alex's side since she was the only one who hadn't taken yet vodka. Audrey continued to serve the liquid in the vessels while no one was looking. She was impatient, waiting for Alex's luck to change.

We all opened our eyes and took a glass. We all drank the liquid at the same time. Alex grimaced and we all knew that she had taken the vodka. Audrey smiled a wicked smile. Whether Alex chose truth or dare Audrey would find a way to humiliate her without her noticing.

"Alex," Audrey called her. "Truth or dare?"

Alex stood thinking for a few seconds. She bit her lip.

"Truth?" She said more like a question.

"All right... I had it planed, too bad that it's you," she lied. She had just thought about what she would ask her, I know her. "Tell us Alex, are you a virgin?"

We all that were playing stayed in silent waiting for her reply. Audrey passed the edge of her glass over her lower lip as she smiled. Alex was playing with her fingers. Those few seconds seemed eternal as everyone would expect the answer to came from Alex's lips. I was sure that she would say yes. Otherwise, why would she be so quiet?

Nicholas started laughing and Alex frowned.

"Does anyone of our generation is?" Nick said laughing.

"Nick," Alex elbowed him on the ribs. "I could have skipped it."

"So you aren't?"

"Of course not," Nicholas laughed again.


Alex crossed her arms and her cheeks turned red. All had begun to murmur. Audrey had a crooked grin on her lips. Alex, or better said Nicholas, hadn't given the answer she wanted to hear. Even I was amazed. Alex looked and behaved like a virgin, but apparently the rich girl could have a dirtier mind than whores with whom I slept. All told Audrey to re-fill the glasses and she reluctantly obeyed.

After a couple of rounds Alex and Nick said goodbyes saying that they had to go. I got bored of playing that stupid game so I just walked away from the table. I went to where the guys served the drinks. I took a full glass of a green liquid and took it without even asking what it was.

"Niall!" A girl in stopped front of me and hung her arms around my neck.

"Hello..." I said waiting for her to say her name.

"Scarlett... We met on Friday," she remembered me.

"Hi Scarlett. What brings you here?" I asked disinterested as I drank of my glass.

"A party is always a good party," she said caressing my neck.

She moved against me and I rolled my eyes.

"Not today Scarlett," I said moving away a bit.

"Niall Horan denies a night. It's the world's end or what?"

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