Finally, I cut up some of the potatoes as I season them and put them in the oven.

After about 20 minutes of humming along to some MJ classics, I have prepared a hefty breakfast.

I go to shut the turntable off and place my breakfast in the living room table where I turn the channel to food network, a channel where I knew she wouldn't be at. A channel where your looks didn't matter and it was all about the food.

I pay attention to the chef talking on the channel and eat my breakfast as I forget about thoughts of her.

After a filling breakfast and getting dishes cleaned, I've decided to go on my daily walk.

Putting on some sweatpants with a white shirt. I made my way to the kitchen to fetch my water bottle and get ready to go on a walk, not bothering to lock the doors since there was no reason to since this whole forest is surrounded by a big fence where you'd have to be allowed entry by me to be let in.

It was a bit grand but I was not risking strangers coming in here. I think I'd have a heart attack.

I had a usual path that I went on during my walks but I felt a little bit adventurous today so I decided to take another path. Humming along as I stepped over fallen tree trunks and bushes, I spot a deer and as soon as it gazed my direction it made its way over to me.

"Hey Jude, I haven't seen you in a while. Here I brought some berries with me, you can have some." I took some berries out of its container and placed it flat on my palm as Jude happily munched on it.

After eating all the berries that I've packed, Jude started nudging me with her head. She went to walk forward and stopped when she saw that I didn't move from my spot.

She must want me to follow her. Getting what she was trying to say, I follow along and Jude kept looking back to see if I was keeping up.

After about 10 minutes of following Jude, we end up close to the fence. Too close for my liking. I haven't seen the fences in a long time since I've never walked this far out of the forest. Who knows if there isn't anyone there. The once white fence is now covered with vines and leaves and has faded.

I looked over at Jude as she started moving again and I hesitantly followed. I took a large intake of air at what I saw.

It was a person. How the hell did anyone find this place? I made sure that no one ever came near here without my permission and I sure don't remember letting anyone in nonetheless a woman. Why is she here? Who left her here? Who did this to her?

So many questions ran across my mind as I found myself finding it harder and harder to breathe each second. I felt like the walls were closing in on me even though I was in an open forest. I started heavily sweating. I was familiar with what was happening, I've had it happen to me many times. I'm having a panic attack.

I quickly opened my bottle of water and chugged some down, but that only made my breathing harder. Oh God, I have to think, I have to distract myself. Think of something else.

I'll sing. I can sing to make it go away. I couldn't think of a song to sing. Then I looked at Jude and then remembered where I got the name from.

Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
And anytime you feel the pain
Hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Na-na-na, na, na
Na-na-na, na

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