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Crossroads | Chapter Five

Please don't let me be late. I said under my breathe rushing to the third floor. I didn't even care if I was bumping into anyone. My main focus was getting to the editorial room before Mr. Allen locks out the late students. I glanced at my watch. I had thirty seconds to get through the door. I made it to the floor and down the hall. He was nearing the door and I slid in just before he had the chance to lock me out.

"You made it by the second, Ms. Young. Passing period is five minutes. Start managing your time better instead of lolly-gagging with your crew." I rolled my eyes at his grating tone. He was the most annoying teacher I'd ever had and to think I had to finish my entire high school career with him was rough. I just gave him a nod and took my seat in the back.

Like most students at Eden high, I decided to get myself involved into some of the clubs they offered. I joined the student newspaper my first year. I was responsible for the fashion column. I never showcased any of my designs, but I gave my opinions on fashion trends, discussed the ins and outs, and I even added a celebrity section last school year to keep the students intrigued. So far my column was just as popular as sports.

I came prepared to class even though I was damn near late. I decided to write my piece on 90s trends at home. I sat at my desk pondering on a title. 90s Throwback Ain't Whack. I shook my head. That was not going to appeal to the student body. I needed something that would catch their eye. Discovering a title for my work was the hardest part about writing for the newspaper. The words for the actual article came easy, but the attraction was all in the title. I mostly spent all my time here focusing on just that.

"Excuse me Ms. Young. I would like you to show our new student, Mr. Webb the ropes around here. He'll be our new photographer since Raul made a sudden transfer last week. Just show him around and give him a tour of the red room. You're the only one I trust with the key." Mr. Allen placed a key on top of my desk. Instead of being reluctant I decided to give the tour. It could give me more time to figure out a title.

I stood from my seat and turned to face the new student. Damn, he's fine. I said to myself taking in his dark chocolate skin. His hair was cut into low waves that seemed as if he put much time into keeping it well-groomed. And boy oh boy I could not help but to notice his hench figure. He wore an unreadable look that I found to be captivating. I didn't want to stare too long, but I didn't have the words to speak. Mr. Allen soon left me alone with this guy standing here dumb-founded and at a loss for words.

He licked over his lips, "I don't have all day." He said harshly.

I rolled my eyes at him growing annoyed, "My bad, damn. It's not like I asked to show your ass around."

He glowered at my smart comment as if I said something wrong, "You can chill with the attitude. I don't need no babysitter. I can figure shit out on my own."

As bad as I wanted to smack him right now I found his rudeness to be a bit tantalizing. I don't know what's gotten into me over the course of two days, but hanging out with Chaquelle made me even more attracted to guys. I found myself watching the boys across the street from my apartment more often. I studied them. Admiring their manly features. I even began to have fantasies about the men in the romance novels I was reading.

I was never the type to be so drawn into guys. I guess puberty was really kicking in. The new guy began to walk off and something in me wanted to get to know him better. I ran after him grabbing onto his arm. He turned around. I was nervous, but I was bold enough to make this move so why stop now? "I'll do the funky ass tour with you, but you can keep them smart comments to yourself."

He glared at me for moment until a small smirk washed over his lips. I walked him around the editorial room telling him the importance of each station, who does what, and where to go if he ever ran into trouble with anything. "And this is the red room." I unlocked the black door. He trailed me inside peering above at the pictures hanging along a string. Most of them were the girls and boys soccer team.

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