Author's Note

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Well hey there, long time no see!

As most of my 19 followers will attest to, I haven't written anything for the last, like, 6 months. And I'm sorry about that. I truly, really, enjoy writing, but I simply have not had any ideas for a book.

Well, that's kind of a lie.

For the last long while, I've been thinking of making a zombie book. I've even been playing out entire scenes in my head, sometimes while going about my day, or when I'm lying awake in my bed. And now I'm finally making that a reality.

Yes, I finally have an actual "story" to go off of. For (probably) the first time, I can actually write without having to improvise everything. I'm glad that I can finally start writing something that I want to write.

Now, since school is starting back up in a couple weeks (for me, at least), much of this book's production will be slow. And in case I go more than a few days without posting a chapter, just remember that I didn't die in some freak accident. Sometimes I simply burn through writing like I'm Satan's cousin, and sometimes I'm as slow as a turtle. There's a lot of crap that I can't guarantee, but I can guarantee that I will finish this story. If it takes the rest of this year, so be it. If it takes a whole year, so be it.

As usual, thank you guys so much for reading, and I'll see y'all soon!


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