National City

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Alright dudes so this story will be told mostly from Halley's POV, I might once in a while change it to Kara's or whoever her love interest might be (it will most likly be Lena.)  So hope you guys enjoy, and please leave comments if you have any ideas or something :)

Halley POV

Finding out that my father died was not what I was expecting when I returned home.  The best part is that he has been dead for almost a year already, that was one hell of welcoming.  At my door step I recieved a letter and a key to my fathers secret storage unit.  As I grew up my father always tried to aviod talking about mother, now that I found out she was an alien I can see why.  The bitch left him and me and then came back to earth and died herself last year.  Apparently nobody knew that she had me, Kryptonian marriages are sacred. In the letter my mother wrote to me she said that if her people found out about me she would have been stripped of her title as General.  That goes to show that she didn't give a shit about me.  In her letter she also mentioned that I am Supergirls cousin.  Personally I didn't believe this untill after I learned what happened with the whole Miriad problem.  I missed a whole lot in 9 years, its fucking crazy.


I've decided to move to National City for a new start, I've retired from fighting over seas and have been promoted to Lieutenant General. My job is to over look the DEO if need.  The city is nice, but I'm use to rurual landscapes.  The city is a tad overwelming and most of the people are unfortunatly stupid or rude.  I am currently helping the moving people I hired carry stuff into my apartment.  Over the past couple of months my powers have begin to awaken, the only power I struggle with is flying.  I am horrible whenever I attempt to take flight, in my old town in New Jersey there would always be random craters in the ground because I would crash land.

As I help one of the movers carry my couch inside, I notice an overly cheerful blonde with glasses standing outside my door.  I wipe my sweaty hands against my black ripped jeans and walk over to her crossing my arms.

"Uhm, may I help you?"

The women looks a me beaming, "Oh no sorry, I just wanted to introduce myself I'm your neighbor." She sticks out her hand, "I'm Kara Danvers."

I hesitantly shake her hand, " Halley Killinger"

I watch the slightly shorter women check her watch and gasp, "Shoot, I'm going to be late snapper is going to kill, me it was nice meeting you Halley!"

Withthat Kara quickly rushes to the elevator and heads to what I'm assuming is her job.  She is an interesting women I'll give her that.  I return inside and close my door, I hang my medals and a picture of General Lane and I on my wall. As I am unpacking I come aross a picture of my Dad and I at Disney World, I smile.  I was 10 in this picture, I had begged my Dad all year to take me.  On my birthday he suprised me with the trip. I decide to frame the picture and place it on my coffee table.  I order myself some pizza to eat for lunch as I finish unpacking and organizing my appartment.  I get up off of my stool and recycle the pizza box, my phone vibrates in my pocket.  I quickly wash my hands and answer it.


"Hi! Is this Halley Killinger?"

"Yes it is..."

"I'm Jess, Miss Luthor assistant. I'm just calling to confirm your meeting with her in a half an hour."

...Shit I completely forgot about this job interview. 

"Ms. Killinger?"

"Sorry and yes I'll still be able to make the interview."

"Perfect I'll inform Miss Luthor, her office will be on the top floor.  I hope you have a great day."

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