that all?

21 3 0

the next day i walked past annie's house and saw her parents weren't home. i went to the door and knocked, hoping chloe or james were home. by luck of god chloe answered the door.

"hi everett. what do you need?" she looked like she was on her way out of the house so i made it quick.

"do you know where annie's locker key is?" chloe reached to the key rack on her left and handed me the key.

"that all?" i shoved the keys in my pocket as i nodded. the rest of my walk i was texting madison.


yo who is annies locker neighbor?
November 26, 2019 7:48am

uh i think it's juniper reid
on the left and jack lohan
on the right why?
November 26, 2019 7:50am

i got annies key, i can't get
into her locker without
raising attention, her locker neighbor will look like
its theirs

November 26, 2019 7:51am

oh well then pull in juniper,
she's weird but at least she doesn't sell drugs.
November 26, 2019 7:53am

part of me thinks we'll pull
jack eventually but if you say juniper, that's whose in. will
you send the gc tomeet at the third table on the west side at lunch?
November 26, 2019 7:55am

sure thing.
November 26, 2019 7:56am


the first thing i did when i finally got to the courtyard was look for juniper. she stuck out like a sore thumb. Her hair was dark orange, and she always wore lots of jewlery.

i walked over to her and asked her to put all of annie's things in her locker until lunch when i would take them. as expected she wanted to know why. i could barely finish telling her that annie was missing before she began rattling off theories. anything from aliens, to fae folk, to another dimension. i gave her the keys and added her to the investigation group chat. just to make sure she knew, i told her what table to meet us at during lunch.

so i headed to my first class. then my second. then third. finally the fourth period bell rang and we were dismissed to lunch. i met juniper at her locker and grabbed all of annie's things. then we headed for the cafeteria.

most of the students ate inside as it was low fourties outside, but the option was there. and simply because not so many kids were outside did we meet on the picnic tables.

all seven of us were there and after we filled juniper in on everything we started discussing the latest topics.

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