Chapter 6

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It was lunchtime, Uraraka was sitting with Midoriya by her side. She was relieved that the boy was back, she didn't know if she wanted to sit with Bakugo and his friends. Don't get her wrong, they were all really nice to her. However she felt like she was intruding their conversations and stuff, she also felt that she annoyed Bakugo so she decided to keep her distance.

Besides she had just met Midoriya's friends Iida, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Momo. They were all so nice and kind towards her, she found it endearing how they were all so nice to her. She didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable since she felted wanted there, besides Midoriya was really chatty with his friends and he also included Uraraka which she felt really thankful for.

She would find herself looking at the boy endearingly, since she didn't see him yesterday she felt so weird and she felt herself grow anxious as she was beside him. After the bell rang they quickly put their trays away, they all walked out of the cafeteria. However she was suddenly held back, she furrowed her eyebrows and saw Midoriya smiling at her shyly.

"Can we talk? We can go sit outside, besides the next class is twenty minutes away." Midoriya chuckled as he let go of the girl, she felt herself blush and nodded. They both walked outside until they finally sat down on a bench, it wasn't where they usually sat at.

Uraraka smiled as she looked around and noticed everyone doing the same, they were all sat down either on the grass, benches, or bleachers while a few were on the court and practiced. She turned around and caught Midoriya looking at her which caused both of them to chuckle embarrassingly.

"So... What did you want to talk to me about?" Uraraka questioned as she played with her skirt slightly, Midoriya smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, there's this new movie that's out. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me, to make up for leaving you alone yesterday..." Midoriya chuckled nervously which caused Uraraka's cheeks to flush.

"Of course! I'd like to go Midoriya, don't worry it's not like you owe me anything. Besides, I wasn't alone yesterday so you shouldn't feel bad." Uraraka mentioned as Midoriya rubbed his arm slightly and chuckled.

"I was going to ask someone else but they were too busy with something else, so I decided on inviting another friend. I'm glad I chose you, we should get to know each other more." Midoriya confessed as he looked up at the trees, Uraraka felt her smile falter as she pursed her lips and looked down slightly.

"Well, I'm glad you chose me." Uraraka spokes as she smiled sadly as Midoriya smiled back at her. "I'm also glad that you weren't alone yesterday, who did you hang out with?" Midoriya asked as he rubbed the girls shoulder slightly, she pursed her lips slightly in thought.

"Well, I have this friend Mina and she asked me to sit with her and her friends." Uraraka lied as she chuckled, Midoriya furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at her. "That's great! I'm guessing you met Kacchan, I'm not surprised he wasn't the one that  invited you with his friends. He may be my friend but it's weird for him to do nice stuff for other people you know? I personally think it's just a phase, he's actually really kind." Midoriya smiled as he looked at the bleachers.

Uraraka furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed Bakugo sat on the bleachers as he shouted things at the Basket Ball team, Uraraka chuckled quietly as she saw the boy get so riled up about the sport. The girl looked up at the sky and noticed big dark clouds surrounding the sky, hopefully it wouldn't rain considering she really wanted to go the date.

"By the way, how did Kacchan get hurt?"


School was finally over, Uraraka was sat with Midoriya as they chatted about their planned hang out today. Uraraka hoped it was a date, however the boy already mentioned that she wasn't even his first choice so she didn't know how to feel. Midoriya was just getting inside the car, Uraraka pursed her lips as she saw the car drive away.

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