~18~ Izuku!

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😘 I've got a lot of inspiration today.

Katsuki walked into the classroom, being the first one in there, he usually would come in when half of the class did, so this wasn't that new. He sat down in his seat, getting his notebook and binders out.

He grabbed one more thing that wasn't for school, his journal. He sighed and flipped the pages, getting to today's date.


He looked over the entire page, all of this thoughts when he woke up in a scrambled, messy hand writing. Normally his hand writing was neat, he was so stressed, and even more so and worried after he found Izuku this morning.

(Is it just me, or do I always forget what time it is? Well, now it's fall! September to be exact, if I change it, yell at me.)

He sighed, again. His hand flying across the paper as he wrote every thought and emotion he had, he felt weird calling Deku, Izuku.... but it didn't feel wrong, would Deku mind being called Izuku? By katsuki...,

The others soon filled up the room, talking and some looking at Izuku's seat, "everyone! Class is about to begin! Take your seats!" Iida yelled and the class slowly died down and sat in their seats. Soon Aziawa walked in and looked over at Bakuguo first, a bored but worried look in his eyes.

"Good morning class... today, we found Izuku..." Aziawa said blandly. "WHAT!?" The class yelled besides Bakuguo, "you can thank Bakuguo after class for finding him.." Aziawa said tiredly, and the whole class looked over towards Bakuguo, surprise on their face when he looked calm.

After class

The class was surrounded by Bakuguo "where did you find him!? When did you find him?" Uraraka asked, holding onto tsu's hand tightly. "None of your business." He said then looked over at Uraraka's glare and sighed. "I found him in an abandoned building, he was wounded and burned." Katsuki said

The whole class was taken back, they didn't think anything severe happened to him, but burned? "Dabi...?" Uraraka asked, looking at the others "I have no clue, all I know is where I found him." Katsuki said, standing up and walking out, "it's time for lunch, either go eat, or go walk around." Aziawa said, wrapping himself in his sleeping bag.

Instead of heading to the lunch room, katsuki went to the infirmary, knocking on the door lightly. A different nurse opened the door this time. "Hello, How May I help you?" She asked, a small smile on her face "I'm here to check up on Izuku, can I come check on him." Bakuguo said, staring down at the lady.

"He's unconscious, but stable now, you can come in to see him." She smiled, letting him come in to the infirmary, leading him to the bed Izuku was at. He looked so fragile, like the smallest thing could break him, he looked at all the wounds, and then looking all over his neck, letting out a sigh of relief 'not marked...' he thought with a smile, slowly sitting down in the chair next to him.

"Deku.... why did you have to run off? We could have talked about it... you were probably scared of me, huh?" He chuckled, hesitatingly reaching his hand out for Izuku's, once finally holding it, being extremely careful. He smiled.

A rare, not screaming, not angry, not yelling. But a sad, smiling Bakuguo, realising that the person he's been tormenting all this time, was the person he fell in love with, the person he couldn't live without... he was the better half of Bakuguo, a kind, loving, caring man who deserves better then Bakuguo..

He smiled, his eyes widened when the bell rang "times already up...?" He asked, confused, just standing up, pushing Izuku's hair back to look at the burn on his face, lightly kissing his cheek he left the infirmary, heading back to class.

He sat down in his normal seat, his classmates soon following besides two people, Izuku, and Mineta. "Okay, so we have, yet another, announcement, Mineta has been transferred from the hero course, over to general classes, taking his place will be Hitoshi..." Aziawa said, still extremely tired from everything and anything.

Soon Shinso entered the classroom, just staring at everyone before finally going over to his seat where Mineta used to be. "I'm sorry if you were friends with him, but he is now in class 1B, you're allowed to talk to them, nothing is stopping you." Aziawa said. "Will someone please volunteer to help Shinso get settled into his dorm and classes." He said, scanning the room for anyone to accept.

Someone's hand raised "I can, Sensei." Yuga said, smiling like usual with sparkles fluttering around him. "Good, now I don't have to worry about that. Today's lesson will be about how to keep calm in a villain attack."

Time skip by space bagels

Everyone in the class was in Izuku's infirmary cubicle. Some people already left to go start on homework, Yuga and Hitoshi were walking around and showing where everything is, and so after awhile it was only 4 people, Todoroki, Bakuguo, Uraraka, and Iida. "Uraraka, I know you're upset, I am as well, but we must go get started on homework, you two as well." Iida said and Uraraka nodded, standing up without a word and walking out with Iida.

"Katsuki." Todoroki said, not even glancing at the male, "What, spit it out, icy-hot." He muttered, looking at Izuku's face. "Thank you, for finding him." Was all the male said before getting up and heading out, and so, it was only Bakuguo and Izuku left, he grabbed onto the males hand, "I'll be right back, 'Zuku." He whispered to the male, heading to his dorm, changing out of his uniform and into some sweatpants and a t-shirt, he grabbed his homework and put on his sandals, heading back to the infirmary.

He opened the door and his eyes widened, he looked at what he couldn't believe, Izuku was staring at him, with a smile.


Chapter 18, completed
New objective; Chapter 19

I love you! (BakuDeku Omegaverse.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ