~10~ you're lying.

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Izuku's eyes widened as he heard the alpha say those words, they kept repeating in his mind, over and over again. Katsuki stood there, blushing face, waiting for an answer, trying to hold back blowing up at him.

Izuku let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in, staring at the alphas. "This is a prank isn't it? Trying to make fun of me even more. I'm not going to fall for it Bakuguo!" Izuku yelled, tears pricking his eyes as he turned around "wait! Deku this isn't a prank!" Katsuki yelled, reaching a hand out to him.

"I've known you for Years, Bakuguo! I know you fawn over girls, and girls alone!" He cried out, turning away from him "please.. I don't want to make more people hate me.." he whimpered, a bright shine in his eyes.

Katsuki was left alone, behind the bathroom, he sat down head in his hands. Pulling out hair as he thought of everything he's done to Izuku. Now it was time for both of them to be heartbroken, but Izuku felt it so much worse, he felt like the one he loved just played with him and he had hope.

Izuku walked, and walked, and walked, he didn't know where he was going but he didn't stop, slow tears falling down his face. He grit his teeth, trying not to make a sound. He slowly started running, he didn't know how, but he was in a forest now. He looked around puzzled 'how did I get here? I wasn't running that long...' he thought, in actuality he was running for 10 minutes.

Katsuki, after awhile, dried his face and looked into the bathroom mirror, washing his face and waiting for his puffy and red eyes to settle down. Eventually he walked out, with his tough guy exterior, and just had conversations with the group.

"Alright guys! It's time to head out for lunch!" Iida yelled and the group started walking and laughing, katsuki having his hands in his pockets, trying to forget everything that just happened to him. Everything is going to go back to how it is, Izuku is going to be the bullied, and katsuki is going to be the bully, nothing more. He'll play it off like he thought, a prank to try and make him feel worse.

They got to the cafe and the servers saw the big group "how many people?" A waitress said happily, "nineteen!" Uraraka said happily
There is actually 20, but Mineta was not allowed to come.
And the waitress led them over to a table in the corner, "thank you!" Uraraka said thanks to the waitress and she smiled. "What would you all like to drink?" She asked, looking around at the group, after a moment She was puzzled. "I thought you said Nineteen?" He asked, tilting her head "yes! Nineteen, sorry for bringing so many." Kirishima apologized, "there are only eighteen here.." she said, her eye brows knitting before she smiled again.

"It's none of my business! What would you like to drink?" They all said their orders for drinks, Iida doing a head count "she's right, there are only eighteen here." Iida said, Todoroki looking around "where did Midoriya go?" He asked in his normal monotone voice, but picking up a little bit of worry.

"He was going to the bathroom last time I've seen, wait! Did we leave Midoriya at the park?!" Uraraka asked, freaking out. "I went to go talk to him, he went behind the bathroom building, after we talked he ran away." Katsuki said normally, looking over the menu.

Most of the class freaked out besides the people thinking where he went, "maybe he went back to the dorms, we will see him when we get back." Momo smiled, even though she was extremely worried for her friend. They eventually settled down, getting their food and eating, they completely forgot about Izuku and had fun, going to the mall and even having a competition.

Izuku was freaking out as he was ontop of a tree, trying to see where the city was, he was in the middle of no where, you could see nothing but trees for miles. He silently prayed for his safety and went down the tree, sitting at the base of the tree 'I better make a place to sleep at night...' he thought looking around for anything.

He broke off branches from a couple trees and took dead branches from the ground, he made a tent out of branches, laying down in it, he took out his phone 'of course, no service.' He thought, covering his eyes with his hand. "Kacchan.." he whimpered, turning onto his side, "why did I have to run from you? You were just trying to tell me that... even if it was a prank I shouldn't have ran..." he thought, tears slowly creeping down his face.

It was around 4:56, Izuku was still left in the woods, he only set up camp for a nap, but then he started walking more, trying to find his way home. But he only went deeper into the forest, he was lost, and hungry. He tried to find a river, any water would help. He finally found a stream, smiling he set up camp there "no use walking more..." he said, looking up to the sky "it's getting dark..." he whispered to himself, it was 7:12, and the rest of class 1A was at the dorms, having fun and playing video games.

Uraraka came back into the living room with snacks "Deku! I got your favorite!" She said happily, looking around for Izuku. "Huh, he must already be in bed." She shrugged, giving others snacks.

Izuku was getting ready for bed, he was hungry, and so tired, mentally and physically. He didn't want to be here, he wanted to be with his friends, he looked up at the sky, before going into his makeshift tent. Cuddling into his hand.

In the morning

Izuku slowly woke up, yawning, he was ready to get for school so he stood up, hitting his head on wood "ow!" He cried, looking around, "oh right..." he whispered getting up, his stomach growled. The omega sighed and went to get some water from the stream, he washed his face and drank some water, looking around for anything to eat.


everyone sat the their desks as Aizawa walked in, "where is Izuku?" He asked, Izuku was his best student, never missing a day. Kirishima rose his hand, and Aizawa nodded "we went out for lunch, the whole class, yesterday, and when we went to go eat he disappeared." Kirishima said, looking up at his teacher "and you guys didn't look for him?" Aizawa asked, looking at the class. "We though he went back to the dorms so we didn't bother to."

The whole class was silent, feeling guilt for leaving their friend. "Who was last to see him?" Aizawa asked and everyone pointed to Katsuki, he sighed knowing he's going to be asked questions.

Izuku sighed, sitting down by the stream, he wanted to go home, go to his friends, his mom, at least see someone he knew. He looked at his phone, unlocking it and staring at his home screen, it was a picture of him and his friends, katsuki in the background flipping off the phone.

Chapter ten, completed
New objective; Chapter eleven.

Word count: 1244

I love you! (BakuDeku Omegaverse.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora