~31~ Differences

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Differences are hard, I'm brain dead. Is this fluff or angst? who knows :))))))

Izuku gently held his mate, not in anyway that was seemingly inappropriate, he was both asleep and didn't want to be embarrassed around his mom and hopefully, future mother-in-law. He wasn't fully asleep, more so drifting in and out of consciousness. He could hear the hum of the fan from the bedroom, the murmur of the older women in the kitchen, the light hearted laughing and giggles made a smile cross over his freckled face, he opened his eyes a little and saw his mate, curled up and cuddled into his side, it seemed like he was awake, just staring at the wall and listening to the heartbeat of his shorter lover. A very quiet and adorable growl like purr coming from Katsuki.

Izuku looked at the other in slight amazement "Kat?" He whispered, gently playing with a strand of his hair. It made Katsuki look up at the other, starting to sit up so he wasn't leaning completely against the greenette. "Yeah..?" He grumbled a little, obviously still groggy from waking up recently. "Nothing, nothing." Izuku shook his head and kissed the others forehead "Just, wanted to talk, I guess." He laughed softly, scratching his cheek in slight embarrassment.

"...about what?" Katsuki asked, nuzzling his head into the others shoulder, another small growl like purr erupting from his throat. Izuku blushed more and smiled, kissing his forehead and rubbing his shoulder "Anything really." He hummed, looking over the couch to see their parents. They didn't seem to be paying any attention, so he happily took the opportunity to lay down with the other, leaning over the older. He grinned a little and brushed his hair out of his face.

"What are you doing?" Katsuki asked, a small grin starting. "Who knows?" Izuku laughed quietly and left a kiss on the others forehead, then his left cheek, then left cheek, going down to his lips and at that point, both boys were laughing and holding each other. "Izu, you're such a dork." Katsuki said with a toothy grin.

"How rude!" Izuku joked and playfully hit the others shoulder "I'm wounded! you've hurt me, Kacchan." he sighed dramatically and closed his eyes, not a few seconds later though, a grin started to show "You're such an idiot!" Katsuki rolled his eyes and pushed the other off the couch, making Izuku hit the floor with an audible "oof." 

Katsuki sat up on the couch and grinned "Having fun down there?" he asked, leaning back against the pillows, "Because this is my territory now." Izuku huffed slightly and rolled his eyes "yeah yeah, so what?" he grinned and stood up, placing his hands on the others shoulders, staring into his ruby eyes. "And you're mine, so I own whats yours."

Katsuki looked up at the other a little surprised, a rosy color starting to spread from ear to ear "God, shut up." he grumbled and pushed the other off, not hard, just enough to give him breathing room. The blush shown on his face made Izuku grin and laugh softly "Aww, i'm sorry~" he hummed before looking over at the kitchen, seeing that they got the attention of the two females, he smiled brightly and gave them a tiny wave.

"Just leave them be, Inko, as long as they aren't fighting or fucking in my living room, they can just keep going on." Mitsuki whispered to her bestfriend, which made the female flustered and sputter a little just like her son usually does.

"What do you think they are talking about?" Izuku whispered to the other, glancing at the other older women ever now and again "Who gives a fuck?" Katsuki grumbled as his fingers typed furiously on his phone, a slight scowl shone on his face. it peaked Izuku's interest and he sat up a little to try and see the others phone, but was pushed down onto the couch "Mind your own business, izu." he groaned

Izuku frowned a little "why? who are you talking to?" he asked, not trying to look, not wanting to invade to much privacy "Didn't I just tell you to mind your own god damn business?" Katsuki glared slightly at the other, eventually shutting off his phone and going to the kitchen to get something to eat. He left Izuku on the couch, completely dumbfounded, his mind trying to understand how he could flip from being so loving and joking to absolutely blowing him off within minutes.

Izuku pondered on this thought for what seemed like hours, but in reality, it was only a minute or two before something caught his attention, the other had left his phone on the couch and it was now being spammed with text notifications, Do I look at it? Would that break his trust? would he care? Who's testing him? so many thoughts raced through his mind as Izuku reflexively picked up the phone, just wanting to see the contact.

It was an unknown number, and the texts were spastic and unable to be deciphered with one quick glance, but that was all the Izuku had time for, he placed the phone back where it was and a wave of guilt flushed over his entire body, looking down at the floor and biting the nail on his thumb.

The older man came back after another 5 minutes, holding a large platter plate full of different kinds of foods and snacks, a light rosy color dusting his cheeks as he placed the platter down "Here, just eat." Katsuki mumbled before picking up his phone and sitting down next to the other again, looking anywhere but at the other as he continued talking to this unknown number.

Izuku swallowed his guilt and started eating some of the snacks, a little slow, but he couldn't get his mind off of it, so many thoughts of guilt, worry, anticipation and more were circling through his mind "Kacchan?" Izuku asked, picking up another saltine cracker, all he got in response was a hum and a small glance. 

"Who are you texting?"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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