Chapter 11- PointGame

Start from the beginning

"Leave me alone," his voice was barely a whisper as he shut his eyes again tightly. "Why don't you just kill me?"

"Good idea, Todoroki-senpai!" Deku exclaimed, putting his hands on his face as though he were praising a child. "Let's make a show out of it for All Might! How do you want to die? Hm... strangled, maybe? Do you want to be screaming in pain or crying in pain? Oh, but if you're being strangled you can't scream. Damn. Crying it is, then. And now the-

"What do you want from me?" All Might shouted from across the room. "What do you want!"

Deku chuckled and shrugged as though it were nothing. "To see you suffer, of course. Hm... I'm not one to hold a grudge, so I suppose there really isn't a reason. Not much time left, anyway... Might as well enjoy my last day!"

"Your last day?" He echoed, bewildered.

"Just enjoy the show, All Might," Deku hummed. "Now Todoroki, you'll be the first to die. Then, Bakugou. It'll be fun to kill him."

Todoroki was silent. It was clear he didn't want to die, but he didn't have any objections. He didn't struggle. He let his fate be. There wasn't anything he could do. It was like he was already dead. Deku turned his head to smile at the hero before picking the boy up by the neck. And then he was strangling him, looking into his scared eyes. Tears welled up in them, and his mouth made horrendous noises as he tried to breathe. All Might couldn't watch this. He couldn't bear watch the boy die. He was the number one hero, he wasn't supposed to let this happen. He was supposed to help people. He couldn't fail. 

"WAIT!" All Might screamed. "Please wait! Don't kill him! I- I'll do anything!"

Deku dropped Todoroki carelessly and looked over with a smile. Todoroki fell to the floor gasping breaths and clutched his throat, coughing and spluttering. Once he had calmed down, he looked at All Might with a concerned gaze that said don't do it. 

"Anything?" Deku smirked.

"...Anything," he repeated slowly.

"Okay," the green-haired boy said. He put his hand to his chin and stroked it as though he were thinking about his next words, though again, he knew what he was going to say anyway. "Then I want you to..." He trailed off as he looked at Todoroki, to Bakugou, and then back to All Might. And an idea seemed to spark in his eyes.  

"I want you to give Todoroki-senpai your power before you die."

All Might blinked at him. Confused. Flustered. Shocked. "What..?"

"You know, give him your power so One For All can live on forever," he elaborated, waving his knife around. "That's what you want, isn't it? So then do it."

When All Might didn't respond, he boy took off the multi-haired boy's restraints and gingerly picked up Todoroki in his arms and carried him carefully to the pro hero. Todoroki was half-conscious and didn't have the will to struggle. He looked like a completely different person, weak and helpless and broken.

"Now do it."

He laid Todoroki's body on the ground next to All Might. He unrestrained one of his arms so he could do whatever it was he needed to. Deku took a step back, away from the hero's reach. The skeleton of a hero pulled out a small clump of his blond hair.

"He has to swallow my hair," he told the villain.

Deku nodded and shook Todoroki into full consciousness. He seemed hardly there, like he was gone on the inside, but still there physically. He seemed tired, and overall done with the world. He didn't want to obtain All Might's power, he didn't want to do anything. It was heartbreaking to see. 

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