Elena sighed and asked, "Logan's here?"

"Wait, Logan Fell?" Stefan asked in confusion. He immediately rushed out of the room, and Elena, Echo, and Jenna followed him, confused.

"What's going on?" Echo asked, confused, her eyebrows raised in confusion.

"Jenna, are you dodging me?" Logan asked, walking up the four.

"It's a form of self-preservation," Jenna stated, crossing her arms, doing what Echo had told her; stand her ground.

"Um, Elena, why don't you, Echo, and Jenna go somewhere else?" Stefan suggested.

Echo nodded upon realizing Logan had to be an enemy, so she looped her arm with Jenna's. "Come on. Let's get away from Scum Fell from Hell." Elena had followed shortly after them.

AS they walked through the hallways, Elena asked, "When Logan came to the house, what did he say?"

"Fake flattery. Stupid, dimpled grin," Jenna answered. "Puppy dog eyes."

"We're serious, Jenna," Echo stated, lookong her aunt in the eyes, hoping she would understand. "How did he act? What did he say?"

Jenna nodded and thought for a second before speaking, "He was the usual Logan. He was charming, little more manic than usual. He kept trying to convince me to let him in." Noticing the look that Elena and Echo gave each other, she asked, "What?"

"Okay, listen to me very carefully," Echo practically demanded, placing her hand on Jenna's shoulders. "Do not, under any circumstances, talk to him again. I'm serious, Jenna."

"Hey, you two," was heard behind them which made Echo drop her hold on Jenna, and turn around to see Alaric standing behind them. He smiled at Jenna and said, "Jenna."

"Hi, Mr. Saltzman,"

He smiled, keeping his eyes on Jenna. "I was hoping to, uh, see you tonight."

"Career night is the new bowling," Jenna said with a smile.

Echo forced a smile at the two lovebirds, grabbed Elena's hand, and said, "Excuse us."

They headed outside, seeing Stefan on the phone, and they marched up to him as he finished his call, placing his phone in his pocket.

"So anything you'd like to share?" Elena asked as she and Echo stood in front of the vampire.

After explaining everything he knew about how Logan Fell was now a vampire, they all headed back inside before being stopped by Matt, saying, "Hey."

"Have you seen Logan Fell, the news guy?" Echo asked, getting straight to the point.

He nodded and said, "Yeah, he just gave Caroline a ride home."

Echo paled and then clenched her hands and jaw in anger.

Stefan turned to them, ordering, "Stay here."

That angered Echo. "No. I'm going to help—"

"I can't let him get a hold of you, the both of you. Stay." And at that, Stefan quickly left which made Elena try and calm her twin down.

ECHO relaxed slightly as she saw Stefan walked into the school. She walked up to him, concerned. "Is she okay? If she's not, I'm going to kick your ass into another universe."

"She's okay," Stefan said, but it still didn't calm her down. "I took her home." She crossed her arms and tilted her head. "She was shaken up, but all she knows is Logan attacked her. Nothing else."

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