After he calmed down I decided to tell him my 0lan even though he said to wait after school

"So... That's your plan? "

"Yup! We're going to prove to Jungkook that Sana is bad! "

"And.. How exactly are we going to do that? "

"Oh, u haven't thought about that, hehe... "
Hyung just rolled his eyes and smiled at me

"Alsooo I know that you're his soulmate, and I also know about the curse" He was shocked like really

"Who told you that?"

"Namjoon hyung is not very good at keeping secrets you know" I laughed and Jimin nodded his head before laughing with me

"Oh yeah, who's my soulmate???" I curiously asked

Jimin POV

"Oh yeah, who's my soulmate???" Tae curiously asked

"Well, you have to find that out yourself I can only give you hints that's it! But I can tell you about others soulmates of course only some I won't tell my Sister and her friends soulmates"

"Awwww, okay tell meee Jin Hyung's soulmate"

"It's the one and only Kim Namjoon, Jin has the tattoo on his left foot while Namjoon has it on the back of his neck"

"Do the know? "

"I think they already fall for each other! "

"What about Yoongi hyung? "

"About that,, I think I saw the same tattoo on Hoseok but I need to make sure"

"Can u help? " His eye were glistening

"Do you know Bout the gift? "

"Yeshhh, can I? "

"Alright I think I trust you enough" I said before preparing

"Life and death, Pain of Love I give you a power to see the beauty of Love, Love itself is a dangerous thing but if you agree I will let you see, one only thing you just remember you cannot tell the person who's their soulmate is, and you can't see your tattoo until your pair and you fall in love, follow my words *amor etiam acerbum, pulchrum est caritas"

"amor etiam acerbum, pulchrum est caritas"

"Now Tae cam you see my tattoo? "

"Wait........... Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! "

We both laughed and decide stopped skip school

Flashback ends
Author POV

(Okay so Tae told everything expect for the ritual and Jikook stuff)

"Oh... He was crying" Jungkook mumbles but clearly Tae can hear him loud and clear

"You! You knew? But you didnt go after him?!! "

"It's nothing big, why would you defend him anyway" By now Jungkook's ego is at the maximum level

He was expecting a punch but no, all he got was a cold response from his best friend

"You're a bad man Jungkook, for once look at the real scene, and if your hyung is avoiding you, that means what you did was clearly wrong" After that Tae left

Leaving a mad bunny alone, that bunny stomps his feet but he wasn't angry at himself, he was angry at Jimin, for stealing his best friend

Of course no one could blame him if I were in that position I will be mad too, but this has gone too far, the last question that remains in his head is

"Who's his soulmate? Is it a boy or girl?"

Chapter 10 complete


I wanted to update this yesterday but ya gurl forgot so... Yeah

Anyways today is my country's (Indonesia) independence day, I hung out with my friends today also in the morning we had "Indonesian Independence Day Commemoration ceremony" I think that's what it's called. Speaking of! My school's marching brass got invited to perform at Istana Kemerdekaan for the ceremony with the president!!
If y'all are interested watch this ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇

And yes my school is an all girls school!!

I had a great day!! And my friend bought me a book because either pranked me, the left me alone in a mall (one of the floors in Grand Indonesia ) I was mad and sad and I almost cried idek why but yeah they bought me that and I was very thankful

 Painful Tattoo -JIKOOK-Where stories live. Discover now