Author's Note

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Hello everybody!!!!!

It's not an update buy just some information.

I won't be updating this week, I'm sorry!!! But I'm now at a place called Suka bumi and won't be going back to Jakarta until tmrw afternoon, and the reception here is bad... So yeah....

Anyways, why can't I update next week?

The reason:

1. Monday : my school has a celebration day called Sanur day, so I am gonna be very tired

2. Tuesday: I have 2 test... And also gotta learn dance so yeah

3. Wednesday: I have dance lesson until 6pm... And gonna eat dinner with family

4. Thursday: a damn presentation

5. Friday: got home at 5pm

So maybe, just maybe!!! I can update on Friday/Saturday/Sunday next week

Also just telling y'all, that... The next chapter will make ME feel scared I swear and also very very very angry... /irritated

Anyways...... A little bit of nagging:


My school has a test for like new students rite? And ma sister took the test, the students are so smol omg....

They will announce the students that got picked will be announced on the 4th of November. I hope ma sister pass so we both can study at the same school

Also, yesterday... My friend pulled a sneak attack on me, and the result is , my feet was injured, and my arm got sprained

It hurt so much....

That's also one of the reasons I can't update

I'm sorry....

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