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Lena stood up and took a deep breath. She looked at Frank and Amy. "Lena?" Frank murmured. "Are you ok?"

She only stared at him, her nose flaring from time to time. She looked at Moritz one last time, tears welled in her eyes. She wiped her face and started to pace. Walked to the end of the R.V and then back to the other side, she did this until Frank grabbed her.

"Lena, just take a second," Frank said as Lena squirmed out of his arms.

She stood in front of the exit of the R.V, she looked at the door then back at Moritz. "Fuck!" she shouted. She punched the R.V wall and left. She got in the 1999 Oldsmobile Cutlass that the three of them shared and sped off.

She drove for a while and found an empty alley. She parked the car and got out. She put her hands on her head and started to cry. Her hand had started to throb with pain. She stuck the key in the door to unlock it but was too aggressive. The key snapped leaving the other half in the door.

Lena was frustrated, she sat on the ground leaning against the car. She hoped that this was all a dream and she would wake up to see Mortiz and listen to Hooked on a Feeling with him. She cried harder feeling sprinkles of rain.

She heard footsteps crushing the gravel, "Hey." Franks voice was rough but also so calming.

Lena quickly wiped her tears away, "How did you find me?" Her voice had a small quiver.

"I put a tracker on the car, plus you didn't drive that far." He held his hand out to help her get up.

She took his hand. "It felt like I drove a while."

They stared at each other. Lena broke, she buried her head in Frank's shoulder and started to cry. "Hey... hey, hey, hey." He said. "It's gonna be fine."

Lena took her head out of his shoulder and looked at him, tears running down her face. The sprinkles of rain turned into heavy droplets. "No, it's not ok Frank. I told him that he could be safe. But he ended up dying when I was supposed to die." Her tears mixed with the rain, "He died because he was saving me." She gave a large sigh, "I never thought I would know what the real taste of pain is until he died."

Frank brought her head into his shoulder again. "You're gonna get cold, let's go."

She chuckled, "I broke the key, I think I broke my hand too." Frank also gave a small chuckle, he then started to walk Lena back to the R.V.

When they got back to the R.V Lena turned to him, "Frank?" He said. "I'm really glad that I have you."

"Me too." He mumbled then kissed her forehead.


She watched Mortiz fall with the bullet making a home for itself. He fell again, once again, the bullet making a home for itself. He kept falling it got faster and faster. Until it stopped, they were in a dark abyss. Mortiz laid on the ground trying to ignore the pain.

"Vergiss niemals, wer du wirklich bist." His voice echoed in the nothingness.

She sat up straight covered in sweat. Frank was immediately awake. "Hey, it was just a dream."

Lena nodded her head then laid back down. Frank wrapped his body around her trying to calm her down. Even though she knew she was safe she couldn't fall asleep again.


Lena got her boot on then looked at the spot where Mortiz had died, "You ready?" Frank asked her, snapping her out of her daze.

"Yea," she responded as she grabbed a couple of guns. The two got in the car and drove to a bank where they got word that Billy was robbing it.

As Lena was getting out of the car Frank stopped her, "No, your face is already bruised you can't come."

Lena shook her head and continued to get out of the car. "I'm not playing this game with you Frank, either I let my steam out on robbers or you. Plus I want to kill Russo."

Frank let it go, he walked around the corner and saw Billy and his team start loading up. "Russo!" Frank barked, Billy looked then froze. 

Lena smiled as Billy started to panic. She wanted him to remember and not to just die and move on, she wanted him to have the trauma.

Billy's team had started to shoot at Frank and Lena, Billy had just stood there.  Lena killed all of Billy's team. She needed to direct her anger from Scott to someone that she could kill, it was nice. Once Billy was on the move, Lena and Frank got in the car and sped after him leading into an alleyway under a highway.

Billy got out of the car holding a New Frontier Armory AR-15 Dedicated 9MM. In short, a really big gun. Billy shot at the car where the two sat. Lena and Frank ducked down and got out the back door. 

"Frank!?" Billy called pausing the guns fire. "You do this to me?" He waited a moment. "Did you fuck my face up?!"

Frank looked at Lena, "Yea, Billy. I did that!" 

Billy's voice began to shake, "And who's the woman? Did she do this too?!"

Lena looked at Frank, a smirk on her face. "No, but I sure as hell wanted to!"

Billy let out a scream and continued to fire his gun at Frank and Lena until the police showed up. He then started shooting at the cops. Making it a sneaky get away for Frank and Lena.

They ran until they got to the car. Lena and Frank looked at each other for a moment. "He didn't look like he knew what he did. He acted like we were still best friends like he didn't kill Maria and my kids."

"Yea," Lena said in agreement.

Frank started the car, but didn't take his foot off the brake, "I had a chance to shoot him, but I couldn't I froze."

She sighed, "Damn, so you could've killed him but you didn't? We could've been done with this whole thing but... but you couldn't pull the trigger?"

Frank had lost it, "Did you have to make a decision when you killed your uncle?! Did you?! Making the decision between eating food and being harassed or starving and being happy? Or the fact that you were killing your only family. Didn't you freeze Lena? Did you!?"

Lena stared at Frank her jaw clenched, her breathing increased. "Just drive the fucking car, Frank."


When they got to the R.V Frank yelled from outside, "It's just me kid, its Frank."

He waited for a second and when he didn't hear a response he rushed inside. He looked to his right as a tennis ball came at him. 

Frank had pulled out his gun and aimed in the direction that the ball came from. Amy went up to him and tried to take his gun, like the way he showed her. But Frank only threw her on the floor, he got on his knees and shoved his gun in her face.

"You thought that was funny?!" Amy, who was now in tears shook her head.

"I was practicing the move you showed me."

Frank cocked his gun, "Yea?" He shot at the R.V wall. "Pow, there goes your brains."

She nodded her head and he stood up. Lena didn't do anything, she agreed with Frank, so she only looked at the dent she left in the R.V wall from punching it.

Frank had grabbed the keys, "Where are you going?" Lena asked.

"To find Billy."

"I'm coming," Lena said. Frank turned around to say something but Lena only put a finger to his lips which made him roll his eyes.

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