9• Breathe slowly

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I avoided Scott at all costs which meant avoiding my friends

I couldn't handle that so I sucked it up and made my way of to Lydia and Malia

"Hey Jam" Lyds said

"Hy Lyds, Lia" I said with a smile

"So how are you?" Lydia asked

"Can I lie and say I'm fine" I said

Lydia rolled her eyes and Malia smiled

"but yeah Im doin' okay" I said with a reassuring smile

"Does that mean you and Scott will make up and go hot heated angry sex in coaches office" Lydia implied

"Lydia Martin! we wouldn't do it in coaches office maybe in the locker room but definitely not coaches office"I retorted

HA you didn't say anything bout the fact I used Scott name so it proves it

you want him back" Lydia said and my smile dropped

"Of course I do i have no idea what to do without him, But we broke up" I said and stared at my ankle boots trying desperately not to cry

"Tell the teacher I went home sick" I said bolted off wiping my eyes and getting into my car

I drove off barging in through the front door and up to my bedroom my back slid along the back of my door

Leaning my head to the side I sobbed and softly cried

"Jamie dear"mum spoke through the door

I wiped my eyes and stood up and opened the door

mum stood there tears prickling her eyes she hugged me

"Jamie, He may be your first boyfriend but he won't be your last" Mum said into my hair

"I know but i really loved him, He made me smile, Made me laugh and the sparks were there" I said and pulled away from mum sitting in my bed and she sat down with me

rubbing circles on my back and I hugged her

"Mum will I ever find another person to have sparks with?" I questioned

"Its not the person its your heart" Mum said and she kissed my temple

My phone's ringtone for Lydia

What you wanted-One republic

"Hey lyds" I asked

"Hey" The cheerful voice of Stiles


"Stiles what happened to Lydia?" I asked

"nothing my phone was flat so I'm using hers" Stiles said

"Okay mind tellin me what you called my for?"I asked

" Its bot something I would say over the phone" Stiles said

"Why?" I asked

"kira is here" He whispered

"i'll be at yours in 5" he said and hung up

I mumbled something an threw my phone on my bed

and walking into kitchen

"Stiles is coming to give me the work i missed"I said and mum nodde when the knock on the door came

I opened it and Stiles stood there the frown on his face

I invited him inside and he went straight to the fridge

My Immortal [Scott McCall]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang