3• Lacrosse stick TO THE BALLS!

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Jamie had tried her hardest not fail miserably at the game but scott slowly taught he moves and stuff like that she eventually got the hang if it moving swiftly she had shot the ball closing her eyes crossing her fingers when she heard a groan she shot her eyes open and saw scott on the ground holding his crouch the Lacrosse ball in the goals Jamie cheered as she had scored the goal and got scott where the sun don't shine withe the lacrosse stick she threw as she jumped up and down

when scott smiled and she hugged him

OH SHIT!! She thought as she quickly pulled away her face bright red and she stuttered clasping her hands she was a nervous wreck

"S-sorr" Se squeaked out

"its okay" Scott sad and tapped her nose and the brought the equipment back into the locker rooms.

"Okay......lets get to know each other a bit more, I'll say three facts and you'll say three facts" Jamie spoke up

Sitting down on the McCalls couch

"okay" Scott said and Jamie took a small swig of her lemonade" and sighed

"Ummm where to start ok.......my favourite color is Purple..........i've never had my first kiss............I enjoy watching horror movies in my pyjammas eating Nutella over group dates with Lydia" She said

"What about you?" She added on

"My favourite color would either be res or orange......................My first girlfriend died in my arms..............................And That all i can think of" He said (not sure if those are his favourite colors)

and Jamie nodded

She finished her can of lemonade

"So you've never ha your first kiss?" Scott asked Breaking the silence

"Never found the right guy" She said and looked down picking at the almost faded black nail polish on her fingers

When Scott brushed the hair out if her face, Staring into her blue eyes her heart began somersaulting and beating a rapid pace Scott smirked at the effect he had in her he couldn't control himself any longer he leaned in there breathing hitched his hot breath on her cheeks sent butterflies in stomach and she blushed her heart felt as if it was going to leap out of her chest.

Scott smirked as he lips softly grazed her ear and her shoulder and up her neck

Jamie bit her lip she had never felt this way before her blush was extremely noticeable and her heart was in her throat as Scott dark brown eye connected with hers she melted her heart was beating so quick she was blushing like crazy and then it stopped as the warm movement on her lips sent her body into a frenzies she was shocked then copied his actions kissing him when his hand traveled along her thigh she gasped and Scott stole the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth, There tongues danced

when they pulled away Breathing deeply Jamie was blushing like crazy her heart was flipping and beating so fast she could hear it.

Jamie had never felt the sparks he felt with Scott Her heart lit up and the blush vaguely noticeable when he kissed her neck licking her soft spot and biting down softly the blood ruse to that spot and Jamie clicked instantly as to what was happening he gave her a hickey. There heavy intakes of breaths and sexy silence Jamie seized the opportunity to admire Scott,

He was Tan, buff, His chocolate brown eyes you could get lost in, his dark hair made him more bad boy like and how this all Effected Jamie in more ways then one

Jamie Kissed his lips quickly before mumbling a 'I have to go, we'll talk later' and made her way to the soor when Scott grabbed ahold of her arm locking his lips with hers one last time the Sparks where there and went kff like fireworks Jamie was nothing compared to Allison or Kira she was different and didn't care what other thought the sparks he had with Janie where nothing Like Kira's or Allison's

Jamie smiled into the kiss and lulled away

"Scott I have to go, My mum will kill me if i'm late" She said and that made Scott Smile

"Whats wrong with being a little late?" Scott question placing his hands on er ass pulling her closer

"my mum would personally have your balls on a silver platter" Jamie implied and Scott snorted and let her go

"We'll have to talk about this sometime though" he said and walked out and towards her mothers car


but dont fret in late chapters there will be more fluffy scenes and maybe even a smutt!!!


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