5• Poppin' Cherries

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Jamie woke up

The smell of Sweat, Aftershave and chocolate mixed in her nose

she turned her head and caught Scotts


"Morning" He said

"Did I wake you?" She asked

"No, I was awake already" Scott said

Jamie moved closer

"You have to go we've got......" jamie was cut off when her phone rang

'I came in like a wreaking ball, I never hit so hard at all, All I wanted was to break your walls"

"now Im seriously dreading what ringtone you gave me" Scott said and Jamie laughed

"Thats an honest secret" Jamie said

Jamie answered the phone

"There isn't any school, Something about a faulty Gas pipe" Lydia's voice said in the other line

"okay thanks Lyds" Jamie said and she hung up

"Whats up?" Scott asked

jame sat up

"Faulty gas pipe at school so no school" Jamie said and she shut her door locking it

and sat back in the bed

Scott reached over to his phone secretly dialing Jamie's number

Jamie's phone rung this time a different ringtone

'I gotta stay high all the time to keep you off my mind'

Jamie blushed as she realized it was Scott's set ringtone

Jamie turned off her phone

and Smirked at Scott

"Is it weird that sing is your ringtone for my phone?"Scott questioned

"not at all" She said and he pulled her close to his chest

"you know your shirt is so short and your not wearing pants is a serious turn on" Scott said

Jamie didn't respond she just listened to the sound of Scott heartbeat

"We really should get up" Jamie said as she sat on Scott lap facing him

"Yeah I have to get to work" Scott said

and he pecked her lips and putting his clothes from yesterday back on

Jamie scurried into her bathroom with a par of skinny jeans and a muscle top

the had the words

'Run wild, Run free' printed in it

she showered and got dressed putting her up in a french braid her hair and waiting the bathroom and Scott wasn't there except a little note

'Jamie, girls take forever in the shower just say,

Anyways I'll be picking you up at 7pm we're going to dinner dress fancy casual


Jamie smiled.

"OMG!!!! this is so cute" Lydia squealed as Jamie and her sat down at a table in Starbucks

"Yeah but thats the things its cute but I have no idea what we are" Jamie sighed taking a sip of her pumpkin spice latte

"You'll probably find out on your date" Lydia said wiggling her eyebrows

Jamie laughed at her best friend

Her phone pinged anf she checked it

From Mama Peers-

You sister is coming down this weekend

To Mama Peers-

Okay! I cant wait

Jamie sent the text before Putting her phone back in her pocket,

"Well lets go you have a date to get ready for and luckily for you I'm going to help you" Lydia said linking arms with Jamie

and ushering Jamie to her car

"Lydia I have no idea why you are so excited for this" Jamie complained

"Its a date with Scott the guy you used to bathe with when you where in diapers" Lydia said

Jamie's face flushed

Lydia's eyebrow raiser

d and se continues to skim through Jamie's closet

"Ahaha" Lydia said as she pulled out a black off the shoulders shirt white skinny jeans and ankle boots

shoving the clothing items into Jamie's ams and pushing her into the bathroom

Jamie dressed loosely tying her hair in a pony tail stepping out into her bedroom

seeing Lydia had cleared up her dressing table had her hair curler plugged in an ready to go

"You're taking this to far" Jamie sighed and allowed Lydia to prod her with eye make up and lipsticks

and tugging her hair with the curling wand.

Scott came at exactly 7pm

The door bell rang and Lydia sprung from her spot on Jamie's bed

Jamie followed closely behind walking down the stairs praying she would trip up

she made it to Lydia who was having a conversation about condoms, Safe sex, Birth control and cutting his balls off If he got me pregnant

I laughed slightly at how short heel wearing strawberry blonde Lydia would actually pull that off

I smiled at Scott and He smiled back

"Be careful use condoms" Lydia said slamming the door of Jamie's house

Jamie flushed as Scott had practically begged Mama McCall to use the car.

A/N: so this story hasn't really followed suit on the plot but Scott Knows whats happening he's just not Telling Jamie to keep her safe :)

Scamie or Scomie?


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