"Has she dumped you?", Mats asks, his eyes widened.

"No, worse", I answer and finish my second glass champagne.

"She cheated on you", Mats says carefully, obviously not wanting to upset me even more.

"Not only", I reply and already pour new liquid into my glass, "the man got her freaking pregnant"

Mats is obviously not able to say something, his mouth stands open in an O-shape and as he seems to get over the first shock, he pulls me into a bro hug. I let my tears soak his shirt lightly while actually reliving the situation for the second time today.

"I am so sorry little bro", Mats tells me softly as we pull away and goes straight to the kitchen, getting two bottles of beer.

"She simply doesn't deserve you, she already hurt you twice!", he adds as I empty half of the bottle in one go.

"You know who the man was?!", I say and wait for Mats to shake his head, "Neymar fucking Júnior!"

"Her ex boyfriend", he states rather angrily.

Silence fills the room and neither me nor Mats speak up in a long time before my  best friend clears his voice.

"Are you going to leave her?"

"I don't know", I respond quietly, "I don't even know what to do anymore. Leaving her that she has a chance to start a family with an asshole? Staying with her because I love her and help her with the child?"

"You have to decide that yourself", Mats tells me honestly, "and I really don't want to tell you what to do but she will end up hurting you if you are staying with her since she already did twice... and I don't know if you", he pauses and looks at me, "are ready to help a girl through the pregnancy especially when it is not your baby"

Mats is right of course, but I can't simply leave a girl for whom I have feelings. I practically know that I am not ready for a child, I am only 22 years old and I have my whole life ahead. The tears that would eventually slip out of my eyes, stop completely, I guess I've already shed too much today and I am nothing but exhausted and tired although it's only 2pm in the afternoon.

"You can stay here for the day", Mats suggests, "and remember you don't have tons of time for your decision but don't rush yourself into something buddy"

"Thank you Mats", I reply and feel how lucky I am to have such a good friend like him.


Neymar's POV

My thoughts are still spinning even though Erik left about one hour ago.

What am I going to do?

Texting Ally?


I decide to call her and tell her everything but as I am about to do so another loud knock interrupts me. The person outside then happens to be Candice, dressed in a navy blue skirt and a white shirt. She smiles at me shyly as I recognize her and step aside that she can enter.

"How are you?", Candice asks politely and sits down onto the couch.

"I have to tell you something", I burst out, not being able to control my own actions and ignoring her question completely.

"Go on", she says, furrowing her eyebrows as I take a deep breath.

"I got Ally fucking pregnant", I tell her without any explanations or anything and without thinking twice.

"Holy mother of Jesus... You are fooling me, aren't you?"

I shake my head and laugh nervously.

"I would be so glad if you were right"

"No way... how?", Candice asks slowly, her face becoming quite pale.

"I have no idea"

"What about Erik?"

"I don't know, the poor guy showed up infront of my hotelroom one hour ago", I explain and ruffle my hair, not being sure what reaction Candice probably will show.

"You look exhausted", she tells me softly and doesn't seem to be anything near angry, "tell me how you feel"


Ally's POV

I shake uncontrollably as Doctor Ackermann starts the ultrasound on my stomach.

"I am sorry to tell you, but you really are pregnant for two months", he states, giving me an apologetic look.

The fact that I don't break down in tears is rather surprising since I did nothing other for almost two hours straight now.

"The baby has to be another man's child since Erik and I were apart in this time", I whisper and clench my nails into the soft fabric of the lounger I am laying on.

"I don't want to tell you what to do Fräulein but it would be wiser to inform Erik"

I nod lightly and pull out my smartphone.

I am going to give born to a child in seven months.

What is Erik going to do? Is he going to leave me?

My stomach turns at this thought and I feel myself panicking. I don't want to be without Erik. I don't want to be without the sweet, innocent German gentleman who would always know how to cheer me up and how to treat me right. I don't want to wake up in the mornings without seeing his handsome features beside me in the bed, lightly snoring and blushed cheeks that reminds you of a little child.

To: Baby <3

I know that you are more than upset and I know that I messed up big time as well as I know that you probably won't reply, but you don't have to, you have the right to hate me. I don't know about you but I love you with all my heart and everything I have. The baby is two months far and I would really hate to do it but I would abort the child for you so we can continue our relationship, in case you still want to.

Please give me the chance to talk about everything and let's just meet up at the little nice café we went yesterday. I love you, Ally xxx


Sorry for the long waiting and the change of the POV's! I also know that the chapter is kind of boring but it will get exciting soon! xxx

I don't know much about when you can find out about the gender of the baby or anything, so I am also sorry if I mess up something!

Thank you for voting and commenting, you are the bestest! xxx

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