chapter 8

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   Zoe suddenly stood up. She continued to look in my eyes, but now her face was envious.

-Hey, what's wrong with you, Zoe? Sit down!I thought you'd better get along with my friends, but you're just a freak. Lucy almost yelled.

Zoe just sat down without saying anything, stopped eye contact with me and started looking out of the window.

-What are these papers, Jess?Do they have anything to do with what you saw at school yesterday?Jordan tried to understand what Jess had meant by dropping three shabby pieces of paper on the table.

-Jordan! You're right! Jess you didn't tell us what you saw yesterday.- Lucy interjected, quickly tossing the red hair from the high ponytail over her shoulder, and leaning closer to the boy.

   I can't be the only one seeing this! Is it really Lucy flirting with Jordan! It's so... surprising!  They could never be dating!I just can't imagine them together... as couple. Lucy is a lovely girl and I wish her the best, but i just can't see this red haired , outgoing girl  beeing shy ,quiet Jordans girlfriend.Don't get me wrong. Lucy is my friend. She tends to be quite loud and outgoing, but that  doesn't make her a bad person. She might not be my bestest friend, but I would never leave her in trouble. She belongs to this group of friends. She fits into it. She's needed here. Without her, we wouldn't be a full team.We love her as she is and that's the most important thing.

-oh , yes!So... do you remember the newspaper Finn showed to you yesterday morning at school.The one about kids going missing . Yesterday late night news  assumed that the blue-haired twins were to blame for it. Their identities have not been clarified because no one has seen their faces... until now.

-wait...what exactly do you mean by ''until now''.- Tifany was trying to clear the hint.

Jess looked at her friends with a smile on her face and a look that made it clear that they could solve the matter themselves.

-No way!- Jordan was first to understand- You saw them school hallway. 

-Correct!-Jess confirmed Jordan's response.

-Guess what's even more impressive than the fact I saw them.-Jess tried to push them on the right track.

-She saw thery're faces!- Finn couldn't stand tension of conversation, because he already knew the fact.-No one has ever seen their faces. 

Jess looked at Finn. He was already looking at her. She smiled. Her cheeks were turning light pink. She could never resist the look of Fin's hazy gray-green eyes. She thought ,they saw more from her, than anyone else's eyes. His eyes hypnotized her. It was magical. She felt a kind of electricity flowing between them. And then... there it was...the spark in her. Yup... she had fallen in love with him. And now she was ready to admit it to herself.Now it's inevitable...

-Jess be careful... they can try to kidnap you... you know too much-Tiffany said with noticable care in her words.She seemed to be frightened.

Tiffany totally is the most caring friend in our friend group. She is like our groups mom- always caring about all of us with no exceptions. In cooler weather she even carries an extra pair of gloves so she can lend them to someone if  they're cold!She must have these traits from her mother. Mrs. Jenkins is such a kind person.Now and then ,after her working hours she let us stay in caffee and ,sometimes, she gives us hot chocolate for free.

As Jess's eyes scanned the group of friends they stopped at Zoe, who no longer looked out of the window, but listened carefully to the conversation and looked as if she was thinking about something.She kinda looked hypnotized.

-Hey, Zoe...What are you thinking about?-Jess asked.

Girls eyes turned to the questioner. She looked shy, but her eyes showed that she knew something... something more than the others.

-nothing...-Zoe replied and turned back to the window and kept looking at rain water flowing from the drains and making puddles on usually dusty street.

-Don't you think they could be blamed for the fire alarm?-lucy asked and one strand of her fire-colored hair slipped over her shoulder.

- I don't know that, but it could be possible. The fact that these papers come frome them i know for sure.

-What does this mean,Fin?You're a specialist at these things i suppose.-Lucy said with a smirk.

-I wouldn't say  that I know these things and they're meaning... they just fascinate me.- Finn corrected Lucy.

-In what order did you get these notes?-Finn was getting into solving this mystery.

Jess arranged pieces of papper on the table. 

All the attention was to the notes.

Jess was so tired of all of this mysterious stuff happening around her. So she just zoned out of tense thinking and took a sip of warm cappuchino.

 I appreciate my friends so much. Every one of them. Each of them is different, and i love each of them just the way they are- unique and  invincible. Sometimes I ask myself, 'What would I do without them?Who would i become?' And i think, i just wouldn't be complete without them. They are my super-team.They lit fire in me. Make me feel worthy,strong and free.Together we can do anything- go over fire and water to help each other and never leave any of us behind .We are coming only together. You can't saparate us. They are like my second family.I'm looking how they're trying to help me and protect me...and all i can think of is...i love them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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