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Shinso had a few ideas up his sleeve. First he wanted to go to the animal shelter and volunteer for a bit. Then around lunch time he wanted to go to the local cat Cafe. After that they would be headed straight for the zoo.

Shinso knew how much Izuku lived animals. He was happy to take the young boy to see a lot of animals. Izuku had no clue what they were doing though.

"Where are we going?" Izuku questioned.

"Somewhere," Shinso smirked. The greenette puffed out his cheeks in irritation.

"Fine..." Izuku trailed off. He outed until they pulled up at the animal shelter.

Izuku unbuckled his seatbelt and turn ed to open the door. Shinso had already opened it so he just bounded out of the car and to the shelter.

A lady sat at the front desk looking rather bored. When she saw the couple she just groaned and began typing.

"We have ten cats, sixteen dogs, and no we don't have snakes," she informed them.

"Oh uh, thanks miss. Although that information was useful, we actually wanted to volunteer," Shinso smiled politely at her.

"Really?" The woman gasped. She began explaining everything and she let them start bathing all of the animals.

The cats all loved Shinso and the dogs loved Izuku. They decided that Izuku wash the dogs and Shinso the cars due to that. Izuku grinned as he got soap on his face.

"Hitochan look! I have a mustache," Izuku giggled. Shinso grabbed some soap and out a mustache on his face too.

They bathed all of the animals and worked around the shelter until around noon. The lady was about to have then do something else before they let her know they had to leave.

"Oh, well, I hope you can come back soon!" She exclaimed seeming much happier.

The boys headed to their next destination which was the car cafe. Izuku was so excited that he squealed. At the sound, Shinso nearly fainted.

"I already reserved us a table. Come on," Shinso smiled. He dragged Izuku into the pink building.

They were seated right by the cats and Izuku just wanted to cuddle them. He ordered and ate quickly song could love on all of the cats.

"So, do you like anyone?" Shinso asked. Izuku coughed and turned his attention back to the cat as a way of avoiding the topic.

"Aren't cats just so cute?" Izuku spoke aloud.

"I suppose so. We could get you cat ears!!!" Shinso exclaimed.

"Oooh! We should! We should get cat ears and bunny ear and dye them green to match my hair," Izuku giggled.

"Well, that's happening. Do you want to go to the zoo?" Shinsk asked.

"Can we stay just a bit longer? I love the cats," Izuku pleaded.

"Fine," Shinso acquiesced. Izuku grinned and sat in the middle of all the cats.

The cats all crowded around him and lived on him. Shinso couldn't help but enjoy watching as Izuku played with the cats.

They left thirty minutes later to the zoo. There, Izuku wanted to see the llamas. Shinso didn't question tbe greenettes odd choice.

"Look how cute they are! Oooh next wr should go see the giraffes! Have you ever seen a giraffe? I haven't but I bet they are cute!!!" Izuku chirped.

"Yeah, they're awesome. How have you never seen one?" Shinsk questioned the shorter boy.

"Well, I grew up in a poor family. Money was only spent on food, bills, and school," Izuku explained.

"Oh. Well, you an see any animal you want now. Let's go," Shinso grinned.

They got to the giraffes and Izuku fed them. He giggled at the feeling of the tongue on his hand. Shinso snapped a picture so he could save it.

The couple walked around the zoo for a while just talking. There wad one thing that Izuku truly appreciated about Shinso and that was his ability to listen.

Shins loved listening to Izuku talk. He may be very impatient but not with Izuku. No, he could listen to tbe greenette talk for a decade and not grow bored of it.

"I heard that thereis a cafe where you can see the Lions through the glass. That's like eating lunch with Lions! Isn't that so cool?" Izuku questioned.

"We could swing by there and maybe get some drinks," Shinso offered.

"Ooh we could get a shake!" Izuku grinned. Shinso smiled at the excited but and walked with him to the lion cafe.

"How much are the shakes?" Shinsk asked the male behind the counter.

"Ten dollars," the make responded. Izuku nearly gasped.

Who would soend ten dollars on a shake? Looking around, he saw that a lot of people buy shakes. He assumed they must be really good.

"Wr could share one, so we don't soend twenty dollars," Izuku suggested.

"Ok, what flavor?" Shinso asked.

"Um, I like strawberry," Izuku decided.

"Do you mind if we get a strawberry vanilla one?" Shinso questioned the short boy.

"Not at all!" Izuku smiled.

"One strawberry vanilla milkshake and two chocolate chip cookies," Shinso ordered.

"Ok! Also the two of you are a cute couple," the male complimented.

"Uh thanks, but we aren't a couple... Yet," Shinso mumbled the last part but the guy behind the counter heard.

He winked at Izuku then gave them their order. They used two straws and just talked.

"So, are you ready for the party tomorrow?" Shinso asked.

"Oh I'm so excited! I feel like I am not doing enough for it though. I mean all of you guys have spent so much money on me this week. I wish I could repay you but I can't, because I have like ten dollars to my name.

"I would usually just cook or something, but you guys buy the groceries with your money. I can't clean either because I don't buy the cleaning supplies. Basically feel like a gold digger," Izuku mumbled.

"We like to spoil you. Don't sweat it. We all enjoy buying stuff for you. Now, ckme one. We had better be headed home or the guys will miss their dinner," Shinso stood and offered his hand to Izuku.

The male behknd the counter winked at them as they left and headed back to the house.

Upon arrival Izuku began making dinner like always.

If you have anything you would like happening at the party let me know!

Put your suggestions here!!!!

Have a great day/night!!!

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