Chapter 9

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I couldn't tell what's going on much except for people cheering to get the Dark Alpha and dodging ice and stuff but when I saw Hiccup standing there and Toothless came over and protected him, I felt my heart brake as I ran where the ice is and tried to brake it just to help them get free. Beside me I can hear Valka crying and hitting the ice trying to do the same, I was crying too until I heard the sound of a Nightfury getting ready to fire a plasma blast and I knew they're still alive.

Then I heard the ice shatter and Toothless went onto a bigger peace of ice and roared at the Dark Alpha challenging him. "He's changeling the Alpha just to save you!" I head Valka say to Hiccup. Then I heard the plasma blast hitting the alpha as he cried out in pain, so I hurry over to Toothless and start to help him. Even if I'm blind, I'm not weak; we kept firing at the alpha and soon the other dragons are free and start doing the same thing until the tusk of the alpha broke off.

"The Alpha protects them all!" I heard Hiccup say to the bad guy then I saw the alpha retreat into the water with the guy and everyone cheered in victory and then all the dragons start to bow to Toothless and I did the same. Then we all stand up and it was quiet for a few seconds until Gobber called out "Long live the new chief!" Then everyone started to cheer happily and the dragons shot into the air.

A few days went by and everything is going well, things are being rebuilt, the ice is now gone and some places and everyone is now taking a break and watching the dragon games where Rider and dragon has to grab a sheep and put it into a net to get a point. Then it was time for the black sheep, I watched as Astrid and Stormfly had the black sheep but then Toothless and Hiccup takes it away and out it into their net winning the game. Then Toothless landed beside me and did a victory cry and everyone cheered.

I knew right here and then that this will be my new home and I don't have to live in fear of humans anymore and I don't have to be a lone anymore, now that I have someone to spend the rest of my life with and I will never change that for the world.


Hey guys! Phoenix here! I know that I haven't done another chapter it's because I've been so busy with work and getting books for college next week and studying for the ASVAB test to join the Navy and help pay for the college fees and I hope this chapter will make it up and I would like to do a shout-out for Seashell_the_Seafury, Lunar_eclipse-43, and milli0511 for the support and liking my book. So I hope everyone will have a good day or night! Phoenix out!

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