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Hey everyone! It's Phoenix and back from the ashes with this book! Now I have three things to say first one is a shout out to Httydforever1 because they asked for one lol now for the other two things.

First I may or may not be continuing this story and I would like to put the reader in the storyline for HTTYD 3 but probable is, is that I lost that movie somewhere in my parents house (I blame my little brother) when I left for work one day when I let my brother watched it but he never put it back in the case so he either gets to buy me a new one or have to look for it.

Lastly I'm going to fix the book up for any spelling mistakes, missing bits in the story, and give more detail to what's going on said book but other words sorry to say that this book is being discontinued and if I do make the HTTYD 3 with reader insert it's going to be in a part 2 book and not here.

Now for my mental health I'm perfectly fine because with the 3 years (I think almost 4 years now?) I had plenty of time to take a break, get my life together and greeve over my dog in 2019. We've been together since we were both 2 years old so it took a long time to accept that he's never coming back but it's still upsetting and a touchy subject at times; but thanks to my 2 kittys they help fill my life with love again with companionship but it will never truly fill the hole of what I lost but they've made a life better. (Especially when I spoil them rotten when one likes to take my chicken nuggies and the other will take what ever food that's on my plate when my back is turned lol)

But I also got a whole better plan for my future, tried getting into the military but couldn't pass the practice test after so many tries so I gave up on that. I dropped out of college and will do an online college instead to aim for my dream drop.

Then I gave my two weeks in for my old job (the manager was a saying profound words that are being beeped out because I don't know if kids are reading this but basically still cursing under the sun of the curse word rainbow  so she got karma by being left in the front when two old co-workers left on the same day and it was a Friday so the manager was stuck up on the front with the most busiest day ever. Old job was Subway by the way. Then found out two months later that her butt got fired after all the things she did to her only three workers) so got a new job as Security and it's interesting but if you don't have the guts to deal with people then the job is not for you because there's so many stores that I can't believe it even actually happens.

Now finally I moved out of my parents house and into the camper on my grandmother's property, I pay for all my things and campor, pay my grandmother the rent which isn't actually much at all and my parents the electric bill and I'm loving life and get to finally get back to what I truly love and that's writing theses books and drawing on my spare time and love it!!!

Well that's basically what's been going on in my life and that break I needed to get things off of my plate helped so much and felt the weight off of my shoulders.

I know that I was chatting for so long but hope it understand what's been happening and what I'll be planning so I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! Phoenix out!

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