Chapter 2

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I woke up and started to hear other dragons but what confused me is that it kinda echoed and I can hear a waterfall, so I did a quick echolocation and when the echo came back, my eyes went wide with awe as the image appeared in my head. "How is this possible?" I asked myself as I walked off of the nest that I was in and into the open area and echolocate once in a while so I can see where everything is and imagined a map inside of my head.

As I walked, I caught a scent of a female human but is smelled a little familiar so I sniffed the air again and found the scent in front of my nose so I sniffed then remembered that this is the human that saved me. "It's ok girl I'm not going to hurt you." The woman said as I felt her hand gently touch my nose and I leaned into it, liking the soft warm touch. "You're lucky that we found you before thoughts hunters could do anymore damaged than they already did, and my name is Valka." Valka said as she kept petting me and scratching me in some good spots.

After a while of scratching Valka started to try and name me but I keep denying it. "Lucky?" Valka said and I just shook me head no. "Star?" I shook my head no again. "(Y/N)?" she asked then I nuzzled her letting her know that I liked that name. "Well I guess (Y/N) it is then." she said smiling and I gave her a gummy smile. Soon she started to show me around and my guess she doesn't know that I'm blind so I just listened and Valka introduced me to the different dragons and Couldjumper as well.

I stayed in this little haven for a year and Valka still doesn't that I'm blind and neither does the other dragons but I didn't really care because I feel normal around everyone and they all treated me the same. But little did I know that I will be meeting another human and another Nightfury.
Hi! Phoenix here! I know that I haven't done a second chapter I've just been so busy with school and graduating which is not fun and teachers giving me a lot of homework which I can never get away from or have anytime BUT the good news is that I have one more day left and Spring Brake! Then I can wright more chapters for all of you guys! Also I'm sorry that this chapter is short I just wanted to make this up for all of you and to tell you sorry that I haven't been able to do another chapter here and in my other book. So have a good day or night! Phoenix out!

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