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Thats It!

Jimin sat down at the dinner table, pushing his food around on his plate. He kinda lost his appetite. Why? Well, you can blame his parents for that. 

His parents sat there yelling back and forth. Little pieces of food flying from his parent's mouth. Jimin wished his brothers where here. But they moved out as soon as they were old enough and went to Seoul...leaving Jimin in Busan. But, Jimin wasn't even old enough then, it's not like he could've left anyway. 

He sat there and tried to listen to his parent's argument. Jimin didn't even know what it was about. Mr.Park slammed his hands on the table and pointed to his wife.

"This is your fault!" He yelled. Mrs Park rolled her eyes and glared at her husband "What did I do now! Since everything is my fault!!". Mr.Park glared at Jimin for a moment before getting up and stomping up the stairs.

Jimin got up from the table slowly and wrapped up his dinner, planning to eat it later. Once he finished he sat on the couch in the living room and decided to texts his brothers in the group chat they made when they left. Jimin missed them.

Before Jimin could text a simple 'hey!' Mr.Park stormed downstairs. Jimin didn't look up but he heard something slam down on the table. "Why are you showing me a book!? Don't tell me this is why you were fucking yelling at me! Because of a damn book?!" Mrs.Park snapped.

"You raised him! So it's your fault!" Mr.Park said and roughly grabbed Jimin's arm, pulling him off the couch. He dragged Jimin back to the table and pushed him towards the chair. Jimin sat down and looked down at the table.

He didn't look up for a while but when he heard his mom gasp he looked up. His breath picked up and tears started to prickle his eyes. In her hands was his diary. He put down everything in that book.

His mother closed the book and threw it across the room like it was the plague. Jimin went to go retrieve it but his father grabbed him and pushed him against the wall. "This is your fault!" Mr.Park said while looking at his wife.

"W-what was...h-her fault?" Jimin asked. Both parents glared at Jimin. "First you consume all our god damn money...and now we are housing a damn faggot?!" His mother spat and threw her arms up in the air.

Jimin couldn't hold his tears back. They found out. They found out Jimin was gay. Jimin never wanted them to know. They are extremely homophobic. "I-I..." Jimin didn't know what to say. he couldn't form any words.

His father punched Jimin right in the jaw, sending him to the floor and kicked him once in the stomach. "We are sending you to counselling! You are not allowed to love boys! It's inhumane and disgusting! Men are to be with girls! Understand!" Mr Park yelled and picked Jimin up by the hair.

"I-I understand," Jimin said quietly. He looked up to his mom and her eyes were filled with even more hate and disgust then before "No son of mine is gay" She said and walked to her room. Mr park pushed Jimin harshly against the wall and followed his wife to his room.

But not without giving Jimin a few more kicks and punches.

Jimin sat up against the wall for a moment before weakly walking up the stairs and to his room. He was used to the harsh treatment from his father, and the harsh words from both parents.

It was like this since he was 10...after a certain incident, his parents both stopped loving him. It only got worse when his brothers left. 

Jimin took off his sweater and looked at the bruises forming on his arm, stomach and face. He walked to the bathroom that is in his room.  Jimin loved having his own bathroom.

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