Chapter 30

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edit: change of plans, one more chapter left of this book :( i'll make another book if you'd like :)

"Allison, I can't let you do that, all right? She's beyond reasoning," said Luther, as we ran up the stairs of the theater.

"You hear the music? It's started," Diego yelled, over the muffled violin music coming from inside.

"Do you honestly think she's going to listen? After everything that's happened?" Luther asked Allison.

"We don't have time for this," I reminded, impatiently.

"Okay," said Luther, before Allison ran off down the hall.

"You're using her as a distraction, aren't you?" Diego asked.

"Our best chance is to incapacitate Vanya," Luther said, "She'll thank us later."

"So, whats the plan?" asked Klaus, as the four of us went in the direction Allison went.

"You wait out front," Luther instructed.

"What?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah, you're the lookout," Luther answered.

"The lookout?" Klaus said in disbelief. I looked at him, shrugged, and followed Diego and Luther down the hall. Diego found a door that led backstage and led us inside. I went with Luther on one side of the stage while Diego on the other.

All of a sudden, Diego and Luther ran on stage, while I stayed behind. They were suddenly thrown off by a huge wave of some blue force, created by Vanya. They fell to the ground and the whole crowd started screaming. The hundreds of audience members starting running out of the theater in fear. The other performers got up to, but quickly sat back down after Vanya blew another wave of force in their directions.

They continued to play, under Vanya's control. She stood up and went to the center of the stage. Her whole body started glowing blue. And i'll tell you I was scared, really scared. I could barley move from where I was standing. "Where's y/n?" I heard Diego shout.

"I'm right here," I shouted back, after building up the courage to run from the wings and out in the open. I ran into the rows of chairs and found Luther, Diego, and Allison in the ground hiding.

"Where did you go?" asked Luther. I just stayed silent.

"She's stronger than I expected," said Diego, referring to Vanya.

"Yeah," Luther agreed. Allison threw a bag at Luther, having no other way to respond. "Yeah. We're fine, thanks for asking. Look, I almost lost you once, all right? I wasn't about to loose you again." he told Allison.

"Well, so much for the element of surprise. What else you got?" Diego asked Luther.

"Her violin," I reminded.

"Oh, wait, yeah her violin. It's like her lighting rod. If we take it from her and stop her from playing, we might have a shot," said Luther, right before the men from before came into the theater, shooting at us.

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