Chapter 4

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*16 years later*

I would say I'm doing pretty good for a 29 year old stuck in a 13 year old's body. It's a long story but pretty much I was in the same situation as Luther when he became a man-monkey. I was attacked and Dad saved me by injecting me with some vaccination that made me young again, potentially forever.

Anyway, Im living my dream. Im a full time artist who sells her drawings and paintings online. I don't really go out in public because I'm technically still a minor by first glance. I just sit in my apartment that I share with Vanya because she is the only person I feel safe with.

When she's out at rehearsal, I'm usually found in my room drawing. I have a secret sketchbook just full of drawing of my times as an "Umbrella Academy Student". I like to remember the good times, and the not so good.

Also, surprise, surprise, I'm still not over Five leaving. I think I'm mentally scarred from that experience. Losing your best friend, heck your brother, is so hard to overcome. Especially when it's two people you lose pretty much in the same year or so.

But, Vanya told me to stop thinking about it and to be more positive. I have to hand it to her, she's the reason I'm still around. Because without her, I'd just be a blob of emptiness. Klaus, Allison, Diego, and Luther are out there doing god knows what, and I'm just here with Vanya in our own little bubble.

I was about to start another drawing when I heard "I'm home, y/n," from the other room. "Hey Vanya, how was rehearsal?" I asked walking into the kitchen/living room.

"It was ok, I guess, but enough about my boring day, I have something I need to tell you," Vanya said with some sadness in her voice. "What's up?" I asked. "It's Dad. We need to go back to the Academy for his funeral tomorrow, he died," Vanya said sitting down on the couch.

"That's sad, serves him right, huh?" I said. "Y/n! Don't say that! He was our father!" Vanya exclaimed. "Don't get me wrong I was thankful for the guy, but I mean come on! He was horrible to us! Remember that one time we were out of bed the third night of Five being gone? All we were doing was checking to see if he was coming back, and Dad found us and gave us triple the training sessions?" I asked Vanya.

"You're right, you're right," Vanya sighed, "It's just, sad to think about, yanno? Anyway, find something nice to wear tomorrow." I nodded and went back to my room after grabbing a granola bar from the counter.

(Time Skip)

Vanya and I got out of the taxi and made our way inside the Academy. It was really weird being here again, especially now. I wasn't that excited to see everyone, if they were coming.

As we stepped in, I immediately saw Allison come out from the stairs. "Vanya? Y/n? You're actually here," She chuckles with a huge smile on her face. "Hey, Allison," I said. "Hey sis," She said before hugging us. "I'm so glad you both could make it! It's really nice to see you again," She said.

"What are they doing here?" Diego asks from behind us, "You both don't belong here, not after what you did." "You're seriously going to do this today?" Allison asks annoyed. "Way to dress for the occasion by the way," she adds. "At least I'm wearing black," Diego retorts before disappearing up the stairs.

"You know what? I-maybe he's right. Come on y/n, let's g-" "Forget about him," Allison cuts Vanya off, "I'm glad you both are here."

I smiled at Allison, thankful she didn't agree with Diego. When did everyone get so bitter?

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