Special tommorow

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It's been about a month now and no zombies really break in or get past the gate but the one night like 10 of them came through also chad hasn't bothered me or spoken to me me and Andy have gotten closer I'm pretty comfortable with everyone now anyway today was pretty normal and boring I woke up got ready and sat on the couch waiting for ash and Andy to come back from the store I was kinda mad at Andy because he never lets me go he says it's too dangerous but whatever they came back and they had  two book bags full after they put away all they got Andy came and sat next to me "hey" I ignored him and turned my head towards my notebook (I was drawing) he sighed and scooted closer "what's wrong" I rolled my eyes and kept drawing "oh I see we are gonna play the ignore Andy card because he didn't let you go" I look at him and give him an agitated smile and nod "look I'm so-" I got up and started heading to my room I hear footsteps behind me and before I could close the door to my room he slams it open and walks in right behind me "look I'm sorry it's too dangerous out there" "blah blah blah" I say I know I'm acting immature but he knew how much I wanted to go he sighed and sat on my bed next to me "I can't loose you I care about you" "ugh I can handle myself you asshole" I stood up and went to go to leave and as soon as I open the door it was slammed shut and a hand was on each side of me I turned around and looked andy straight in the face "what the hell was that for" I look into his icy blue eyes
Andy's p.o.v
I stood there without saying anything for a bit I was contemplating if I should kiss her or not to be honest I wanted to so bad but I didn't want it to be weird and I don't know if she sees me like that the only one who knows my true feelings is c.c I look into her beautiful peircing green eyes and put my head down I manage to mumble the words "fine next time you can go" she looks at me and smiles "what did you say" I rolled my eyes and smiled she pushed me back and hugged me with thrill and excitement but I guess she pushed my and hugged me too much cuz we fell but after we got up and we stopped laughing she said something that I was very surprised at and I was so shocked "Andy I love you" she smiled and I could tell she was blushing deeply "scar I love you too" I said without hesitation I knew I loved her but I think I loved her in a different way in a relationship type of way like I want to be with her the rest of my life she then said she wanted to be alone so I hugged her and left quickly she thanked me and o walked towards c.c room I walked in and sat down "we gotta talk" he nodded and I told him what happened today and how I feel and then I said "c.c I don't know what Im gonna do man I want to be with her but I don't want to look stupid and make it awkward and I know you said you think she likes me but what if she dosent" "trust me she likes you I don't want to expose her but I've also been talking with her because she thinks she has feelings for you but she dosent know because she's never felt this way before and dude let me tell you she really likes you" with that shocking sentence I made my way out of the room and thanked c.c for help and I didn't know what to do I don't know if I should talk to her or if I should just think but I want to be straightforward with her I think I have a way to tell her tomorrow since she's sleeping ...
Scarlet and Andy both fell asleep thinking about one another and also very nervous to go out tomorrow to get supplies
Hope you guys enjoyed and can't wait to see what tommorow hold for bvb and scar :)))))

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