188 (Fell 2)

114 6 2

Riko:Yocchan? Yocchan! Please wake up! You not dead,aren't you? Please wake up! We promise to eat hamburger together today!

Your beloved Yoshiko won't wake if you don't solve this case.

Riko:Case? What case?

Alright,alright. Please calm down. Ahem. Here the...? Ahem,ahem.

Riko:Hurry up! Why you always coughing!?

Sorry, sorry...ahem. Okay,here the question. Between that three A,B and C alphabet near you,tell me,where Yoshiko fell down on the floor?

Riko:Ehhh? From this three alphabet? Ettou...C?

Why you choose C?

Riko:Because..maybe Yocchan tripped and then she fell?

Hmm..that's a good reason but no. It's a wrong answer.

Riko:Please tell me the answer! We late for our after school date...


Riko:*turn back*Yuri? What are you doing here?

Yuri:I'm the sound you heard before.

Riko:I see...

Yuri:*smile*The answer for this case is A.


Yuri:Simple. She wants to know if her bun is same like trampoline so she jump on it but instead she fell-

Yoshiko:Like heck that's true!*punch Yuri's stomach*

Yuri:Urgh!*kneel on the floor*cough*cough*

Riko:Yocchan! You awake! Are you hurt somewhere?
Yoshiko:No. I'm okay. Your answer is true,Riri. I just tripped my leg,that's all.

Yoshiko pick up her bun and put in back on her head.

Yoshiko:Let's go.

Yuri:Hey...I want to*cough*eat hamburger too...


Riko help Yuri to sit up and Yoshiko look at her with annoying face.

Yoshiko:*mumble*I should punch her more..

Yuri:I heard that.

Yoshiko:Whatever. Let's go. We already late.
Riko:*smile*Let's go,Yuri.


It's almost sunset but they run to the restaurant and Yuri was the last person arrived because of the pain on her stomach. Yoshiko punch her so hard make her run slower than before.


( Why I include myself in this chapter?...Well,I hope you like it :] )

YoshiRiko/YohaRiko 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora