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Tian Wu's body laid crumpled on the ground occasionally convulsing with pain. Everyone's eyes widened at the sight of a man on his knees next to Tian Wu. Song Huang, the prince who never put his pride down for anything and would probably die before kneeling, was almost prostrating in the dirt by Tian Wu's side. Song Huang probably didn't realize it himself but his expression drained of blood looking extremely pale. His trembled as he didn't dare to touch Tian Wu.

His eyes were bloodshot and wild when he looked up. "WHERE IS THE HEALER???? WHY ISN'T HE HERE YET??? DO YOU WANT TO DIE? BRING HIM HERE!" Song Huang didn't even register that the Emperor and Empress were still present, but they didn't mind. They too were surprised that Song Huang cared about something other than power. Don't underestimate the Emperor and Empress, how could they still rule if they didn't know what was happening in the palace?

Tian Yi and Song Feixiang stood at one side looking on impassively. It wasn't that they didn't care, but there was nothing they could do. While Tian Yi had some healing pills he felt nothing towards Tian Wu. While there was a glimmer of appreciation towards his later help, it wasn't enough to elicit any significant emotions. On the other hand there really was nothing Feixiang could do.

Tian Wu coughed up blood as his body was wracked with pain. The wound shouldn't have been that serious but who knew what kind of poison Tian Mei had applied to the needle. The poison acted like an acid and starting corroding his skin. It looked horrific and fatal, but Song Huang didn't want to acknowledge that Tian Wu most likely wouldn't survive.

Song Huang tried to maintain his haughty demeanor as he spoke to Tian Wu but he couldn't control the tremor in his voice. "I don't permit you to leave my side. You had promised to serve me until the end and breaking a promise to a prince is treason."

Tian Wu laughed at his attitude but ended up coughing up more blood. He hoarsely teased, "Still trying to be arrogant until the end huh?"

The rims of Song Huang's eyes turned red as he wiped the blood off of Tian Wu's lips. "Stop talking!" He ordered. Exactly at that moment the healer arrived. Song Huang slightly shifted to the side but didn't leave Tian Wu. He tightly gripped Tian Wu's hand and stared at the healer with hope and anticipation. The healer's forehead beaded with sweat and he trembled as his voice cracked, "My prince...there's...nothing I can do. The poison is advanced and unknown to me. His...body had already been too damaged."

Song Huang gripped the healer's collar in rage and screamed, "NO YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING! THERE'S NO WAY HE CAN'T BE CURED! WHAT USE ARE YOU, QUACK DOCTOR!! GET ME ANOTHER HEALER!"

Song Huang felt a slight tug on his sleeve and he immediately threw the healer aside to face Tian Wu. Tian Wu's face paled by the second from blood loss, but his lips maintained a faint smile. "Stop throwing a tantrum Ah Huang. There's nothing they can do. Stay next to me okay?"

Song Huang's facade broke and he could no longer maintain his princely dignity. "Whatever you want but you can't leave me!!!" Tian Wu decided to lie one last time and placated the only man he had ever loved. "Okay, okay I'm not going anywhere relax." Tian Wu surpassed the scream that crawled up to his throat. The feeling of his flesh dissolving was unbearable, but he didn't want to upset Song Huang.

Wow. Until the end I can't extricate myself. Still only thinking of him...Tian Wu mocked himself.

Tian Wu struggled to raise his arm and beckon Tian Yi. Song Huang glared at Tian Yi with resentment for taking away even a second of Tian Wu's attention. While Feixiang hated anyone looking at Tian Yi like that, but he let it go for the moment.

Tian Yi knelt at Tian Wu's side but didn't say a word. Another surge of pain enveloped Tian Wu's body and he fought to restrain the convulsion that took over his body. When he looked at Tian Yi, he felt like something like this had happened before. A feeling of guilt and repentance from some past life overlapped with the regrets he felt this lifetime. "I hope I have returned everything I owe you in this life." He could only grit the words out through his teeth as he battled his decaying body.

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