🌠Thirtieth chapter🌠

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,,I only told the moon, tonight up on the roof.
I told her that I'm scared that all my thoughts they look like you."
Only Told the Moon; Camila Cabello


Alexandrina's POV:

"Wow," I exhaled when Ariana finished her story. Did it surprise me? Yes. Do I judge her? Well...she didn't think about the others and she only cared about herself. What she did was selfish and not right, but on the other hand, I understand why she did that. She was fighting for her life and that's not what many girls would do if they were her.

"I know, it's intense," Ariana chuckled dryly, wiping new tears away from her face. She was looking so small and vulnerable, making my heart ache, "I wouldn't be surprised if you want to never talk with me again. You wouldn't be first and probably not the last person." She has been through a lot and people are still not giving her break. Let that poor girl breathe, she doesn't deserve all this shit.

"I don't hate you," I casually said, "because I understand why you did that. I would probably do the same if I were you."

"Really? I think everybody just sees me as a selfish monster..."

"YOU ARE NOT A MONSTER!" I raised my voice to stop Ariana's stupid rambling, "you did what you had to do. Most people would do absolutely the same to save their ass.

"But I killed Tristan. He was like a brother to me..."

"But he wanted to kill you. If you didn't pull that trigger, you would be dead." This is like talking to the wall. She is full of her demons and she clearly can't fight against them. You did a great job Carola, you really deserve to be called the best psychologist in the French Riviera. You could help her but you did absolutely nothing. And you call yourself a friend?

"Does Charles even know about this?" I asked although I already knew the answer. Ariana shook her head and looked away.

"Only Sérgio and you," my eyebrow raised upon hearing Sérgio's name. Is something I don't know about happening?

"Sérgio?" I said alluringly and Ariana harshly turned to me with wide eyes.

"What? No! Sérgio is just a friend. I had to tell him because it was Sanchéz who broke inside mine and Charles' house. He was with me when I found out." I'm not gonna lie, this Sanchéz guy sounds really creepy.

"Woah, wait...Sanchéz broke inside your house? Why? Does he want revenge?" I was getting a little bit confused. Why now? After all these years?


"It has been three years. He didn't move on?"

"At first, I thought he is dead. Then I found out he is in Marseille, but I didn't pay much attention to it, he wasn't in Monaco anymore. But a few weeks ago he called me, threatening that he will kill me and Charles..."

"Is that why are you staying away from Charles?" I tilted my head to the side and Ariana nodded. She sacrificed her feelings to protect man she loves. That's kinda cute if you ask me, "I knew Carola was lying." I heard Carola's bullshits that Ariana used Charles and then threw him away like a dirty rag. I didn't believe her, because I saw the heart eyes they are giving each other, these are true feelings. I honestly don't like Carola, there is something fishy about that woman.

"What did she tell you? That I used him? Bitch," she scoffed and looked at the moon, her lips pursed into a tight line, "I love Charles more than anything in this world. I didn't reject him because I don't have feelings for him. I rejected him because I don't want him to get hurt. I want him to be happy and I know that he won't be happy with me," her voice was betraying her so she stopped talking.

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