Author's note :3

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So as you can see, this is the end of the story. Now, unless you know nothing about Led Zeppelin/The Who, you know that Keith Moon died in 1978, and John Bonham two years later. Robert's son Karac also died in the mid 70s. So, I just did a little dialogue for the epilogue between Jimmy and Erin, after they come home from Bonzo's funeral.

Anyway, please do give feedback, I love feedback a lot. Also, Im going to start my next fan fic, which will be a Who fic, soon. Its going to be about Keith (that's a given) and a girl whose life is partly based on mine.

Yeah, so, thank you guys so much for reading, commenting, and liking, keeping me motivated, and sending me so many good vibes :D So....until next time, BYE (;


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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