chapter seven

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The rest of the night was a night to remember.

After telling Jessica how everything turned out, she squealed and give him a huge hug, then made Jensen show her where Jared was so she could hug him too.

After that, Jared was glued to Jensen the entire night and nerves were getting to Jared earlier too, which is why Jared strayed towards big groups of people so him and Jensen wouldn't be alone. Can't exactly be upset about that, can he? Doesn't matter anyway, because Jared made up for it.

They got their whole group together, the one they had at the party. Jensen wasn't even aware Misha went to their school, but there he was, and he had worn this-really weird suit. It was loud with its colors and the print, but for some reason, it... fit. Jensen figured it was the sharp blue of his eyes that made the suit look just right for him but, Jensen had to think about it, anyone else with those eyes would still never be able to pull off a suit like that. Only Misha. It's just Misha.

Jared was voted prom King and, while he doesn't want to say of course, he has to. Jared's the hottest and most known out of the bunch who were nominated, plays the most sports, is the smartest. And Jensen's not just saying these things because he's in love with the guy (he stills loves to hear himself say it, "I love Jared fucking Padalecki."), it's just true. If the shoe fits, wear it!

To be completely honest, he was expecting Sandy to win prom Queen because she's Jared's friend and a hot cheerleader that everyone adores, but Danneel won. Not that she doesn't deserve prom Queen-just didn't think that she'd outvote Sandy. He must have been cheering the loudest when she walked up to receive her crown.

They had their dance, and as they spun and twirled around in the center of the room, Sandy found him for a second time. "Hey," She gave him a knowing smile, "J."

Jensen sighs. "Yup, it's me," Jensen says as he takes her hand and places the other on her waist, guiding them around in small circles. "Has he really known for that long?"

"Since basketball night? Yeah." Sandy nods. "You guys both worry too much. He was so worried that if he came out and told you that he knew, that he'd scare you off, and then you were worried about him being mad at you or weirded out, and you two were both just overthinking."

Jensen remains silent.

"He's read on that blog since junior year and he thought it was him that you wrote about but it seemed too good to be true. Then when he found out that Jay was him, he was excited and he wanted to meet the secret admirer, get to know him. He even asked him a bunch of questions anonymously so he could kind of learn about him the best way he could through the blog or whatever. And Jared actually admitted to maybe being interested in the guy, but he still wanted you. I've never seen him get so conflicted."

"I told him that he had to get on with it, whoever he was going to choose, because the school year was coming to an end. That was when we went into the library during lunch."

Seems so long ago.

"And so I was talking to him in math that day and I could tell he wasn't really listening, then he just-got up. Walked over to you. I knew that he chose you then."

"But-I mean, it doesn't really matter either way, because they both would've been me," Jensen wonders out loud. Right?

"No, it does matter. This was before he knew that you were J, and he chose this guy who was cute and smart and maybe interested in him, rather than the romantic guy who could write his way right into your heart and literally wrote about his big, shmoopy love for Jared on his super popular blog. They had so much in common and when Jared talked to him like, anonymously or whatever, they just clicked. He was for sure into Jared, and Jared was even a bit interested too. But he still chose you."

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