a vampire's humanity switch

Start from the beginning

Remember when Elena turned it back on? Stefan instructed her to focus on just one emotion, the strongest one she had and to cling onto it like a life raft in a storm. Her strongest emotion was anger, as was Stefan's when he turned it back on in season three.

So pretty much after turning it back on, he's focusing his rage on killing Klaus and before that could be accomplished, he settled for making him suffer.
Later on, after being cruel to Elena and finding out she kissed his brother, well we can see those little sparks of self-hatred and pain that he's feeling.

So yeah, he turned it back on but it wasn't because of love, it wasn't because of Elena or Damon or Katherine. It was for revenge. Because Klaus took everything from him, his sobriety, his relationships, his force of will. But to get revenge, he needed to feel, he needed to want it. A vampire's emotions are heightened. Always. And his hatred for Klaus grew bigger by the second, and more powerful than his love for his girlfriend or his brother. Down the line, obviously he starts letting more emotions on and starts feeling guilt and accepts help in defeating Klaus.

This plays into my perception of Stefan.
A lot of people are quick to assume the roles of the Salvatore brothers, Stefan's the good brother while Damon's the bad brother.
This isn't true, probably because neither of them are good or bad and these are facts that you have to accept.

In season 1, Stefan was kind and understanding, he did human things but it was for Elena. He wanted to feel like he had a future with her one day, that was the whole point of their relationship.

But then ya know, season 2, Klaus comes in, steals Stefan away,

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But then ya know, season 2, Klaus comes in, steals Stefan away,

 in season 3 Ripper-fies him and then makes him switch his humanity off

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in season 3 Ripper-fies him and then makes him switch his humanity off.

 in season 3 Ripper-fies him and then makes him switch his humanity off

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