3 but a Teaser

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'Yea I'm up! What are you doing up so late? Everything okay?'
Simon's whole face flushed, he was concerned about him! Or maybe he was just irritated and wanting a response. Was a nightmare a good thing to bother him over

'Just a nightmare, sorry I'll leave you alone if you want'

Markus answered with the same speed he had answered Simon's initial message, 'no, its totally okay. I was about to message you about the same thing, actually.'

Simon's chest fluttered and he couldn't stop the giddy smile that spread over his face. Markus had intended on messaging him first! 'what was your nightmare about?'

Markus explained in elaborate detail about his horrible nightmare; Markus himself, Simon, North, and Josh were vigilantes and Connor had been tasked with chasing them, Connor got the upper hand and they were sentenced to a sort of death.

'that sounds awful' Simon pouted a little at the thought.

The two chatted for a bit, eventually Simon could hardly keep his eyes open by that point, reading Markus's messages through crossed eyes, not even able to tell Markus goodnight.

Markus x Simon DbhWhere stories live. Discover now