"Are you feeling better?" Alessandro asked absentmindedly while cuddling with Alba who seemed ready to fall asleep in his arms.

"I don't know what they did to me but it taking longer than usual to heal," I muttered.

"Certain drugs can prolong the healing process for us. I would take you to a doctor but I don't know someone I can trust. They might discover your weakness if they examine you," Alessandro mused.

My thoughts fell upon Angela Traversa. She was a nurse and should have some medical training.

"I know someone, a nurse. I will dispatch a telegram for her later," I declared and Alessandro nodded a reply. He trusted my judgment even though I could see the doubt on his face. It might not be the sanest to trust my secret to a woman who betrayed me in the past but then again, he also had no idea that I had insurance to ensure that she would stay loyal though I hoped never to use it as I found that Santo Gallo was quite the gentleman and loyal to me.

He had come to visit me several times and even volunteered to help track Illaria in order to avenge me. I had told him about my plans if Angela ever betrayed me but he only ensured me that he understood why and that it must happen, though he also ensured me that he would ensure that she stays loyal.

So far they hadn't found Illaria and the Anarchy had been silent since the incident. According to Alessandro, it was because of the losses they suffered. The Anarchy is not strong in Torino and losses are severe as they are few in numbers. They most likely retreated in order to gather their strength. Considering the importance of the elections, I wasn't as convinced, but I also choose not to worry about what I cannot change.

I could hear rumble in a distance and Alba snuggled close to Alessandro with her two big eyes darting over the room. I sighed and petted her head to sooth her.

"I fear that my own dread towards the thunder might have rubbed off on little Alba," I muttered.

"Do you fear the thunder?" Alessandro asked gently and pulled me into an embrace. I leaned towards his shoulder and Alba was contented snuggling up between her two favorite people.

"I didn't use to, but ever since I transformed I have felt anxiety ever since I heard the sound of thunder. Just the mere thought makes my skin crawl," I replied. "I'm just glad that Tramonto doesn't seem to share the same fears as me."

"It most likely a natural reaction to your weakness of fire. You simply fear the fire and anything that can cause it," Alessandro mused and petted my head. I nodded solemnly before noticing little Alba raising her head with a concerned look on her face. She had grabbed onto Alessandro and pulled his sleeve.

Alessandro frowned at the little girl before his head darted towards the door leading to the hallway. I was just about to ask what was wrong when he handed me little Alba who crawled up in my arms trying to hideaway.

"Is something the matter?" I asked while watching the door.

"Whatever happens, don't interfere," Alessandro said calmly but there was a bitter sound in his voice.


"Promise me!"

I nodded quietly and held onto Alba while watching the door. It flew up and about ten men, all with silver eyes, rushed into the room. I first thought it was the Anarchy until Luca Da Nord entered the room with a gloomy look on his face and a cigarette between his lips. His eyes looked over the room. His gaze fell upon me, then little Alba who glared back, before turning towards Alessandro who started coldly back.

"It is not polite barging into a room without announcing yourselves," Alessandro huffed.

"We are here," Luca said with a sneer.

"I bit too late!"

Luca merely shrugged at the sound of Alessandro reprimand.

"And why are you here, Herald?" Alessandro asked, not wanting to spend time on politeness.

Luca's gaze fell upon me an Alba once more and for the first time since I met him a saw something I thought he was incapable of displaying. Uncertainty.

"It's better to speak alone," he muttered.

"You are speaking in front of my heir. It would be rude not to include her," Alessandro replied sternly.

Luca grimaced before taking a whiff of his cigarette. He found a close-by ashtray to extinguish the cigarette before turning back to Alessandro.

"The Sovereign has summoned you."

"I can assume it isn't for pleasantries," Alessandro said without looking surprised. He clearly was expecting them.

"No, you are to be either taken or dragged to your trial," Luca muttered. He was not especially thrilled over the situation.

"Of what am I accused of?"


The word made me wince and I wasn't able to hold back my words.

"This can't be because of that incident. I was taken hostage. He came to save me and killed a lot of Anarchists. It can't be because of that-"

I silenced when I met Alessandro's stern gaze.

"He has been accused of working with the Anarchy by a witness who has proof. The Herald of the I Soli is supposed to be dragged in front of the Sovereign to answer the accusation," Luca explained bitterly. I got the feeling that he wasn't elated about the situation as well.

"That's preposterous! He killed a lot of Anarchists, why would he be working with them? What proof is there?"

"I don't know, the witness went straight to the Sovereign. Only he knows," Luca muttered and confirmed my suspicion. Luca had no clue what was going on. He was merely the messenger.

"Then I better go and face these accusations," Alessandro said without a hint of fear.

But I felt a cold shill run through me. Lucretzia's word echoed in my mind.

"This is Lucretzia's doing. She said she would kill you if I didn't comply with her," I shouted and rose to grab onto Alessandro's sleeve when he rose to go with the Magistrates. Luca frowned at my words but Alessandro merely shook his head to silence me.

"This is not your fault, child. Remember that," he whispered and kissed my forehead before turning to walk out the door. I called after him but my body was to frail to follow him.

Luca gave me a long gaze before he turned to follow Alessandro. Alba shouted in distress after Alessandro which only made my heart ache more. My enhanced hearing picked up on Alessandro's last words before he was gone.

"Tell Carlo that I'm sorry."

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