Remembering Us Pt5

Start from the beginning

 "He told you I love you, didn't he?" Anthony asked staring at the grass, unable to look at Ian.

 "Why didn't you?" Ian asked gently finally looking at him.

 "Ian, I love you, I have for years now! I...I couldn't tell you because I was afraid if I did and you didn't feel the same I'd lose you! I was scared, okay? I thought I had done a good job hiding my love from everyone, until David called me out on it while you were still in a coma. I tried to deny it, but he knew and we talked, he told me I should tell you, but I couldn't! Then you woke up with amnesia and I had to watch as you tried so hard to get your memory killed me to know that you didn't remember me! Then the night you came home David brought up the idea and at first, I blew him off, I couldn't do that to you! I fought with myself over it all night, until you came to me, when you asked me if we were a couple every part of me screamed no, but I ignored it and went with my heart and said yes! I should have stopped it, but you looked at me with love and I couldn't fix it! Then you kissed me, something I had wanted for so long, and I knew I could never let you go! I never wanted to hurt you, Ian, I'd rather die than hurt you! All I wanted to do was love you, and instead, I hurt and betrayed you! I'm so sorry Ian, you couldn't hate me anymore then I hate myself!" Anthony said his tears falling silently. "Do you have any idea what it's like to be in love with someone and not be able to tell them?"

 "Actually...I do!" Ian began sighing sadly.


 "Anthony, I know what it's like because I'm...I'm in love with you too! I've loved you for years in silence afraid I'd lose you if you didn't feel the same. After my accident, I was scared and lost in my head thanks to my amnesia, but the one thing that made it easier was you! Even though I had no idea who you were I just felt safe and loved with you! That night I came to you I needed to know why I felt like that, and when you told me we were together I was so happy! Those four months were the happiest I've been, I didn't even care if I got my memory back or not! Then it did and I realized you had lied to me and used me playing with my heart! I hated you, Anthony, I never thought you'd do this to me! Being apart from you I tried to forget you and move on, but no matter what I did I couldn't! I love you, Anthony, I always have and I always will, but I...I don't know if I can trust you again?" Ian said sadly.

 "I understand Ian, I do! I screwed up and I'll have to deal with it for the rest of my life!" Anthony said not looking at Ian unable to; he went to leave Ian stopped him.

 "Don't leave." Ian said, as he grabbed Anthony's wrist stopping him.

 "Ian, I..."

 "Lay with me please?" Ian said, still holding his wrist, as they stared into each other's eyes.


 "Humor me please?" Ian asked.

 "Okay." Anthony agreed as they both lay on the grass beside each other.

 "Anthony, I...I want you to know that...I forgive you!" Ian said gently.

 "You do?"

 "Yeah, I do." Ian said looking at him smiling.

 "Thanks." Anthony said returning the smile.

 After laying in silence watching the stars for a while, Anthony looked at Ian and asked about the reason for their stargazing.

 "Are you going to tell me why we've been watching the stars for the last 15 minutes?" He asked smiling.

 "Anthony, do you promise to never hurt me again?" Ian asked seriously as he looked at Anthony.

 "Ian, I swear to you, I'll never hurt you again! I lost you once because I was a dumbass, I won't risk losing you again!" Anthony answered.

 "Good!" Ian said as he suddenly moved closer to Anthony, before he cuddled into him putting Anthony's arm around his shoulders his head on Anthony's chest.

 "Ian, not that I'm complaining, but what are you doing?" Anthony asked as he looked down at Ian lying in his arms.

 "Cuddling with my boyfriend, duh!" Ian answered smiling.

 "Wait...boyfriend?" Anthony asked confused looking at Ian. "Does...does this mean..."

 "Yes! Now shut up and kiss me!" Ian answered as Anthony did what he was told and kissed him.

 After the kiss they lay together watching the stars in silence, Anthony was beyond grateful Ian had forgiven him and given him a second chance to prove how much he truly loved Ian! Never again would he risk losing him, and even if it took him the rest of his life, Anthony would show Ian how much he loved and needed him! He knew their love would have it's up's and down's, they would fight, but they shared a love that was bigger than the both of them, and Anthony wouldn't let anyone or anything come between them ever again! This might not be a movie or book, but they still had their happily ever after and as long as they had each other they had everything they'd ever need or want!


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