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It was my second to last day in the hospital before I left. The guys were on a break for a while and Yoongi wanted to come back home with me while I recovered. 

I see him walk into my room with his arms wrapped around something. 

Yoongi: I thought you would like some company. 

He shows Holly in his arms. I smile as I sit up. He sits on my bed as Holly wags his tail. He lays on my lap as I pet him. I smile for what seems like the first time. I lean in and kiss Yoongi as he smiles again. 

Yoongi spends his visit talking with me. Asking how I am and if I need anything? He's so sweet. It's close to visiting hours being over as he lays on my bed with me. 

As we watch T.V, is see a couple walking outside my room. He is wheeling the women out in a wheelchair, in her arms, a baby.

My mind goes to our baby. How we never got a chance to hold our baby, kiss them and say I love you to them. 

I feel my tears streaming down my face. It still hurts even more. Yoongi holds me tight as he hears me cry as well. I feel him cry as well, feeling the pain of losing a child. 

Yoongi's POV
After visiting hours are over, I leave Y/N there at the hospital. Holly stayed with Y/N, he's also trying to make her feel better. I make my way back to the dorms, where the boys are sleeping. Hobi is the only one awake, waiting for me to return. 

Hobi: How's she doing?

Yoongi: Better but she's still crying about the baby. I don't blame her, I do as well. 

Hobi and others know about the baby. They say how depressed and heartbroken I was about everything. 

I sit next to him on the couch as I close my eyes and sigh. 

Yoongi: What am I going to do? 

Hobi: I don't know, but what I do know is that the fans need to know before the press can. If they care about you and Y/N, then they will understand the pain the both of you are going through and will be sympathetic to you both. 

I nod as I make my way to my bedroom. I open V-live app and start a live stream. Immediately I see over a million people are viewing it. I start talking about the situation with Y/N. How we both met, got to know each other better. 

I tell them her story of her mother, her recovery after the accident and the depression she went through. How similar we are at times and how she makes me laugh about nothing. I then tell about Y/N trying to commit suicide as well as the baby. 

Explaining our pain of losing our child and my pain of almost losing her. I tell my fans that I want their support of us, that no matter who I'm with they will be in my heart as well. 

I sign off on my live stream and head to sleep. 

Next Day
I'm leaving the country for a while until Y/N recovers. 

I get to her hospital room and see her in her wheelchair ready to leave. Holly in her arms as he sleeps peacefully. I smile as I make my to her and wheel her out of the hospital.

I get a private car for us to leave in and take us to the hospital. I have the driver drive us to the airport. We arrive without incident and any press finding out about us. We board our plane as we fall asleep exhausted from our situation.  

Hours Later
We arrive at the airport after a long flight. I look and see her sleeping face in view. She looks like an angel sleeping. 

I caress her cheek as she flutters her eyes. She smiles at me as I kiss her lips. I help her walk out of the plane as I hide my face from the sea of people. 

I called her uncle to come a pick us up. I had to tell him about Y/N's suicide attempt and about the pregnancy as well. He understood us since he told me he lost a child so young as well. 

We get into his car and drive to her house for her to rest. 

I carry her into her house and lay her on her bed. She smiles at me peacefully as I cover her body to have her rest. 

Yoongi: If you need anything, let me know. 

She nods as she closes her eyes to sleep again. 

I want her to get better and hope she can be the Y/N, I know and love. 

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