Facing the Truth

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Yoongi's POV
Next Morning
I wake up to the sun in my face. I look and see Y/N still connected to tubes and wires. I kiss her hand tightly as I watch her. 

How am I going to tell her about the baby? Our baby, that was taken from our lives too fast. My mind is distracted when I feel her hand move in mine. 

I look up and see her struggling to blink. I call the nurses and doctor to her room as I see her moving more as I come by her side. I see her open her eyes as she looks at me. 

Y/N: Am I in heaven?

I shake my head. 

Yoongi: No, you're here in the hospital honey. 

She looks to both of her sides as she sees her heart monitor and the IV in her arm. She begins to cry as try to hold console her. 

Y/N: Why am I still here? There's so much hate here. I just wanted to be free and with my mom. 

She cries hard as I sit on her bed and hold her head as cries on my chest. She cries more as her breathing becomes normal. The doctor soon comes in to tell her what happened.

Doctor: Hello, Miss Y/N. I'm glad you woke up. So you did attempt to overdose on pills miss. But luckily, if your boyfriend and friend haven't found you, you would have most likely have died. 

She looks at me and then back to the doctor as I stroke her arm. 

Doctor: However, when we were pumping the pills from your stomach, we found out that you were pregnant. 

Her body stiffen when she heard it. I could see the tears in her eyes as she cried out. 

Y/N: No, NO. NO. 

She cried as I tried to hold her. 

Y/N: Its all my fault. It's all my fault.

She cried more as she tries to stand and leave. 

Y/N: I want to see my baby. Where's my baby? I want to it. Why won't you let me see it? I want to know if it's a boy or girl!!!

She rips the IV from her arm as she attempts to leave. She begins to bleed. 

Yoongi: Y/N!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!

I try to hold her down as she screams and cries in pain and anger. 

Y/N: LET ME GO!!!!! I WANT TO SEE MY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!

The doctors and nurses come in quickly and sedate her. She screams in pain as she slowly falls on her bed asleep. 

I hold her as I cry. It was one of the most painful things I've seen. I cry for her, the pain she is going through and our child we lost. 

I have been in this hospital for what seems like days. There are times when I hear babies cry in the hallway. All I can do is cry. 

I was pregnant. I was going to be a mother. But I had to kill it. Because of being selfish about myself I hurt the people who love me. 

Yoongi never left my side since the day arrived. 

I was taking a nap when I opened my eyes and saw him writing on his notepad. He must have noticed me as he looked up and smiled at me. 

Yoongi: How are you feeling?

Y/N: Ok. 

I smiled as I sat up, he moved the chair next to me as he sat on the chair. He holds his notepad in his hands. 

Y/N: What are you writing?

He hands me the notepad as I read it out loud. 

Y/N: I know you may not want me here. But I am here for one reason and that's you. You are the air I breathe, my blood, my everything. 

I am hurting as well. I wanted to have children with you. Seeing them play and love us unconditionally. You may say it's your fault and how I don't deserve you, but I do. 

I will be there by your side. We were going to be parents and for that, we stay together, where it's best and worst times. I'm never going to leave you. 

I have written songs about love and never experienced it until I met you. I haven't experienced pain until I almost lost you and when we lost the baby. But I know we can get through this. 

I love you and I am willing to wait for you once you're ready to love me back.

I cry more as I realize Yoongi's love for me. He gets on the bed as he hugs me. He holds my cheeks and kisses my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck as I cry more. 

Yoongi: I love you Y/N. 

Y/N: I...love..you..too. 

He kisses me again as we both cry in each other's arms. Pouring our hearts to each other of our love. 

We have been through so much, that all I want is him. 

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