Concert Night

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I was on the bus ride home. I had just finished my last class of the day. Thank god, I only had two classes and got off work today. I look at my phone and watch videos on YouTube. They make me laugh after the long day I had.

I had my midterm for math class. I studied last night for it for about 2 hours. I just hope that my grade bumps up. I'm laughing my butt off while I'm watching some BTS funny moments. Then I start thinking about tonight. Tonight is the concert and I'm so excited. I took extra shifts so I could save up to buy my ticket. All those tired nights have paid off.

I was watching my videos when I heard my stop was next. I turn off my phone and step out of the bus. My house is only a block away from the bus stop. I unlock my gate and head inside to my house. I unlock the front door and head inside.

Y/N: Grandma, Grandpa!!! I'm home.

I make my way to the kitchen where they are at watching TV. I take off my shoes and hang up my jacket. I put on my fuzzy lobster slippers. Its October and already feels like winter.

Grandma: How was school?

Y/N: Ok, I just hope I pass my midterm for math.

Grandma: Do you have any homework?

Y/N: Not really. I'm just gonna do some research for a paper.

I took my laptop to my desk and checked the time. I was 2pm and the doors to the concert open at 5:30pm. Grandpa said he would drop me off before so I would have enough time to buy my army bomb. I smile to myself as I turn on my speaker and play for BTS songs.

After doing some research, my grandma calls for me that dinner is ready. She wants to feed me before I go to the concert. I help her set the table and finish helping her cook the rest of the food. We sit down and eat our dinner together as a family.

Its only been the three of us. After my mom died almost two years ago, my grandparents took me in. I'm very grateful for them and their support. I couldn't have made through that first year without them. I finish my dinner and start getting ready.

I put a cute outfit that I have selected since 2 months ago. I put on some makeup and look at myself in the mirror. I smile to myself and get my shoes on. My purse, phone and I go out the back where my grandpa is waiting for me. I get in the front with him as we drive off.

We pull out of the driveway and head down. I talk with my grandpa about things like school and work. While the radio plays on in the background. I smile to myself, I love spending time with my grandparents. But this is the time for myself. I've had a rough couple of years and hopeful, this one night all the bad things go away for awhile.

We make it to the arena as I start getting giggly with excitement. He drops me off where the parent drop off is.

Grandpa: Well you, call us when the concerts over ok? So me and your grandma will pick you up.

Y/N: Ok.

I give a sweet kiss on the cheek and get out of the car.

Grandpa: Have a good time.

I wave at him and close the car door. I head out and check out the outside. I make a b-line to the merch shop and get my army bomb. I'm so excited, I also get a shirt as well. I check out more of the BTS LG promotion and after some time, I head in the venue.

I look at the other merch that they have decide to buy somethings for myself. I pay for my things and I head inside. I get to my seat and wait excitedly for the concert to start. The lights start to dim till they are completely dark.

I along with the other girls start screaming our heads till we hear the first note. I'm screaming my lungs out as I see the boys. Oh god, it's really them in front of me. Then the concert begins.

Several Hours Later
The boys bowed for the last time. And waved to everyone goodbye. I waved back as if they saying goodbye to me. Then the concert officially ends. Everyone is leaving in a hurry as I just sit there and wait for the crowd to die down. Once security told me it was time to leave, I walked out of the arena and picked up my phone.

Y/N: Grandpa, can you pick me up. The concert finished.

Grandpa: Ok, we'll be there in 15 minutes.

I sit there on a bench and wait patiently. I'm on my phone when I get a call from my grandpa, saying they'll be there in 5mins. I wait there and see a bunch of girls crowded around a large car. I don't think much of it and I see my grandpa's car.

As I walk towards the car, the girls screams get louder. As soon as I open the car, two guys come running my way.

???: Get in. Get in quick.

Y/N: What?

???: Just get in the car.

I follow what they say and I get in the car. I see the sea of girls running to car as I tell grandpa to drive. He drives off as fast as he could till the girls are out of sight. I breath heavily as I hear the guys speaking in a different language. But then I realize I recognize the voice.

I look at him as he looks at me.

Y/N: Yoongi?

???: Yes?

Oh god, I'm gonna have a heart attack. And then I notice the other guys and see his face.

Y/N: Namjoon.

???: What?

Double heart attack. Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon are in the same car as me. How is this possible?

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