At 7:16am, Dixie collapsed onto her knees as Birdo's head rolled off her neck and back onto the floor where it first hit 5 hours ago. 

"It's remarkable how resilient some people can be throughout times like this." Waluigi murmured to Rosalina as they watched Dixie gaze forlornly up at the ceiling.

"It's a wonder she hasn't snapped." Rosalina murmured back. The poor girl had gone through hell and back several times. 

"It really is..." he said, sighing quietly, "Y'know, this hellhole really is the end of all of us. Even if somebody miraculously makes it out alive, they'll be broken. I'm surprised anyone is even alive at this point." 

"I don't want to get out of here for that exact reason. It would be torture to think that one of your friends was a murderer that came very close to killing you. God, I want to kill myself." Rosalina said, running a hand through her hair and glancing at Waluigi. 

"Same." he simply replied, his mind thinking of nooses and needles that he could get a hold of and use to either take someone else's life or his own.

"What d'you think death is like?" she asked him, knowing she'd get a genuine answer from the most mysterious man she'd ever met. 

"Fun. Something to look forward to. Who cares if it's a blade in your neck or disease in your lungs? It's all the same." he said, his face holding no expression. Rosalina let her thoughts explore his words. He made sense, like he always did. When did Waluigi not make sense?

They stood there in silence, thoughts wandering, wondering, thinking about things that would never happen. Because when you're stuck in a scenario that seems like a dream, why wouldn't you dream what would happen if your world hadn't been turned into such a nightmare.

"I wish I was dead." Wendy exclaimed, picking at her chipped nail polish.

"That's a bit direct." Larry muttered.

"It's true though." Wendy said, standing up and thrusting her arms up into the air, "Roy, what do you want to do with your life now?"

"Drink. Or die. I don't know. Iggy, give me the fucking bottle." Roy mumbled, pushing his face further into his pillow. Iggy took a swig from the bottle and passed it to his brother. The alcohol problem was brushed over now that they sensed the end was coming close.

"See? We're all fucked over anyways. What's the point anymore?" Wendy said, flopping back down onto her chair and closing her eyes. 

"There is no point for you." Player 2 muttered under their breath, "The point of the game is for me to win..."

"And win I shall."

Mario walked into his room, ignoring Peach's presence and instead walking over to a drawer and pulling out small whisky bottle.

"Mario, could you not?" Peach timidly asked, chewing her nail.

"Could you fuck off? Jesus, you aren't my fucking mother." he snarled, taking a swig of the alcohol as Peach shrunk back. He knew he was being a dick but he didn't give two fucks. 

"Mario, please." she began, fearful of the consequences of her speaking up. This Mario wasn't the Mario she was used to.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch." Mario snapped. He was becoming seriously irritated with her now.

"Pl-" she began. That tiny step forward made her fate clear.

"What did I fucking tell you?" he hissed, breaking the edge of the bottle on a chair and advancing towards her, his face red and fuming. He grabbed her by the hair and roughly tugged on it. She forced the scream down, knowing that if she stayed silent, she might not get hurt badly.

"Put her down." Rosalina said from the doorway, her hands planted firmly on her hips. 

"What the fuck do you want?" Mario slurred, yanking Peach's hair again.

"You want me to take him away?" Waluigi asked Rosalina, ready to take action against Mario in case things got too intense for the star queen to handle alone. 

"It's fine." she replied, taking a step forward into the room. "Mario, put her down. You're drunk and are abusing Peach."

"Why the fuck would I give a shit about her?" Mario snarled, dropping her hair and kicking her side. Peach just whimpered, slinking back in fear.

"Waluigi, take him away. Anywhere. Lock the door as well. We'll take him out when he's sober." Rosalina said. Waluigi threw the drunk plumber over his shoulder and walked out of the room, humming a jaunty tune to drown out Mario's cussing.

"Peach, come with me." Rosalina said, her voice soft and motherly as she took Peach's hand. She lead her to her room, gesturing to her that she should rest.

As Peach curled up in Rosalina's bed, she whispered, "Thank you."

Rosalina smiled at her and settled in her chair in the corner, a book on her lap.

As Peach shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep, Player 2's brain was just starting to whirr into action from a different world altogether.


Hint: A shady character is shady for a reason

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