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Victims: Daisy, Luigi, Toad, Toadette, Mona, Wario, Bowser, Kamek, Pauline, Boo

Suspects: Mario, Waluigi, Peach, Rosalina, Ludwig, Lemmy, Wendy, Roy, Morton, Iggy, Larry, Bowser JR, Donkey Kong, Diddy, Dixie, Koopa, Birdo, Yoshi

Player 2 ran their gloved fingers along the edge of the circular saw, smiling a sickening grin. The gloves were a necessity so blood wouldn't collect under their nails and incriminate them. This death would be the messiest one. It was a one off job. The other deaths would be more clean-cut and sharp. They had to hit hard this time, knock the others off their feet and leave them vulnerable to Player 2 could swoop in and take their lives like a hawk would take their prey. 

Player 2 was a predator, stalking their prey and memorizing their every move so the kill would be perfect. The prey wouldn't suspect that Player 2 would have a circular saw hidden behind their back, why would they? No one's first thought when seeing someone was 'What if they're holding a murder weapon behind their back and are ready to kill me?' No one thought like that unless you were hyper-paranoid. 

They silently exited the vent, listening for the sound of their victim singing softly to himself. Player 2 crept into the bathroom, smiling a friendly grin at the person who would soon be a bloodied pile of segmented limbs on the floor. 

"Hey," DK grinned, gazing at Player 2 in the mirror. His grin quickly faded when he caught sight of the saw. "Hold on, you've got to be joking." he panicked.

The friendly smile on Player 2's face morphed into one of insanity as they advanced towards DK, holding the saw up as they backed DK up against the sink. The saw whirred to life as DK covered his eyes, praying for a miracle, hoping that someone would come save him. 

"Please! You can't!" he cried. His pleas were silenced by the saw slicing through his neck, blood spurting out across the tiles and his killer. His arms were next, separated from his body with two powerful slashes. Finally, his legs fell to the floor, joining the rest of his limbs in a mangled pile on the bloodstained floor. The deed was done. 

They left as silently as they came in, crawling back through the vent and cleaning themselves up in their lair. No one would ever find this room. There were no doors to break down to catch Player 2 in the act of cleaning the bloodstained weapon. The only entry was the vent.

As they hung the saw up on the wall with the other weapons of torture, they ran through what they were going to do to mask any appearance of suspicion or foul play. To everyone else, it had been proved they were innocent. Why would anyone think they had killed anyone? They could weasel their way out of any accusations if they wanted to anyway. 

They would hold a poker face and fake everything. No one had any evidence to accuse them after all.

"Oh my God!" Koopa screamed. He had woken up that morning, expecting a death but nothing like this. When you expect one of your friends dead in the morning, you pretty much can't be fazed by anything. But when one of your friends is a pile of chopped up limbs on the bathroom floor, you're fazed. 

"What's goin' on, Koopa?" Birdo drawled, sleepily walking into the bathroom and stepping right into the pool of blood and body parts. Koopa watched as she slowly looked down at her feet, he saw her eyes open wide and heard her inhale sharply. Then came the scream. It was a strangled, forced out, screech of pure horror. Then she promptly threw up in a corner.

The scream gathered an audience as several people ran to the door. A chorus of 'Oh my Gods' and 'What the fucks' rippled through the group. Koopa heard retching and the sound of a body hitting the floor. Peach had fainted and Yoshi had thrown up. It was a sight to behold.

"I think I need therapy..." Mario choked, slumping down against the wall, his eyes screwed up tight and his fists balled.

Rosalina stood in the hallway, swaying slightly and gazing off down the hallway. She tried to take her mind of the mangled mess of DK and think about her Lumas, but it failed. She couldn't think of anything else except DK. Dixie and Diddy would be a wreck. She wanted to leave the hallway but she couldn't. Her feet kept her standing there. A singular tear rolled down her cheek.

Waluigi had taken one look at the remains and had turned on his heel, marching back off down the corridor. He wasn't going to focus on the corpses, he was going to focus on the weapons used on them. Obviously, poor DK had been hacked apart with some kind of saw. No knife could slice like that. A chainsaw? A regular, run-of-the-mill saw? It could be anything. He knew the killer was trying something new with every kill. What would it be next time?

An hour later, everyone had assembled to talk about what the fuck just happened. DK's remains had been taken down to the 'Body Closet' as Boo has distastefully named it before his death. The two remaining Kongs had been told of the death but hadn't been allowed to see the corpse in fear of it pushing them over the edge and resulting in suicide.

"So," Mario began, locking his eyes on each person in the room and taking note of their expressions. Some were broken, blank and empty shells of the people they used to be. Some were teary-eyed, too distraught to focus on anything except the cause of their pain. The remainder were shaky, barely holding themselves together to support others.

"So we're all done for. That's all. We're all screwed and are going to die!" Peach murmured, her head in her hands and rocking back and forth in her seat. 

"Don't think like that, babe. We could somehow make it out of here alive." Mario said to her, stroking her golden hair.

"But we won't." she said, looking up at him, blue eyes wide and scared. 


"We're all done for!" she let out a strangled laugh before starting to sob, curling up in a ball.

"She's right. Might as well enjoy what little time we have left. Goodbye, everyone. I'm going to either kill myself, kill someone or be killed tonight. Have fun finding out which." Waluigi said, standing up and leaving the room.

"Guys, don't be so negative." Mario tried to stop the remainder of the group from leaving but his attempts were in vain. No one cared anymore. There was nothing left to live for.

It was like Waluigi had said, either kill yourself or be killed. They were all going to die anyway so what did it matter?

Sorry for the shorter parts.

Hint to who the next victim is: Long live the king doesn't apply to the heir

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