I dare you to read "Ask or dare the Chipmunks, Chipettes, and freinds"

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Simon- We have another Dare. It's from koraymond321! It says we have to read Ask or Dare the Chipmunks, Chipettes, and friends!
**Everyone sits down**
Alex- Great!
Jessie- Alright.. let's get started!

**They read it all**
Everyone- ......
Simon- First thing I noticed is that the grammar is SUPER BA- OW!
Eleanor- SIMON!
Simon- WHAT?! I'm just being honest!
Alex giggles.
Alex- Well, I enjoyed it! Plus, I have seen how Alvin and Simon are dating in this~!
Simon and Slade roll their eyes.
Jessie- Anyway, thanks for the Dare! Bye! we have to go before anything else happens.

Ask and Dare Alex, The Chipmunks, and the Chipetts!Where stories live. Discover now