I dare Theodore to ask out Eleanor. Same with Alvin and Brittany.

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Alex-  Hey, before we begin NorieLaguidao. Alvin and Brittany don't like each other. Alvin hasn't told anyone, but he's.... Looks around he's gay... So sorry, but this will only be for Theodore and Eleanor. Anyway, GUYS! WE HAVE A NEW DARE!
*Everyone gathers around*
Jennette- Who's is from?
Alex- It's from NorieLaguidao! It says that Theodore has to ask Eleanor out. Y'know.. like on a date.
Theodore and Eleanor blush like crazy.
Theo- U-umm .. Eleanor... W-would you like to go out with me...?
Eleanor smiles like shes just won the lottery.
Eleanor- YES! I don't care if it's a dare!
Alex- Aaawww... Young love.
Simon- Have fun on your little date~
They head out the door.

They were at an all you can eat buffet.
Theo- U-Ummmmm... Eleanor?
Eleanor- Yeah?
Theo- C-can you be my girlfriend?
Eleanor- YES!
Eleanor doesn't have a second thought before she kisses Theodore. Theodore kisses back.

They enter through the door hand in hand.
Alvin- Looks like I win the bet Brittany! They're officially together! Their even holding hands! So.... I think I've won that 50 dollars now!
Brittany- Fiiiiiiine! Here... Gives Alvin 50 dollars
Alex looks at Simon.
Alex's mind- Maybe one day... We'll be together.... Simon...
Theodore- THANKS FOR THE DARE NorieLaguidao!
Eleanor- YEAH! I got myself a cute boyfriend out of it!
Theodore blushes.
All- BYE!!

Ask and Dare Alex, The Chipmunks, and the Chipetts!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora