Questions for David.

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Alex walks to David.
Alex- Hey David, you have some questions by NorieLaguidao.
David- Ok! Cool!
Alex leaves and David goes into another room.
                      David- Ok, so...
A: Do you consider yourself smart?
No.. absolutely not!
B: How did you and Jennette meet?
I was knew to the school and She was assigned to show me around and help me with my schedule. We became quick friends on that day!
C: Are you Jealous when Simon and Jennette do like um, Study sessions and hanging out kind out of stuff?
Before when Simon was single, yes. Yes I was. But once Simon got together with Alex, that Jealousy has stopped cause Alex also goes into those study sessions too! Even though he's proven to me that he doesn't need it. He just wants to spend more time with his boyfriend. So, that's all of the questions!...... If you don't wanna do this then it's fine, but can you ask Alex some weird questions? I mean, I don't wanna sound rude or anything... But he's.... strange...and weird... Sometimes... When Alex is SUPPOSED to be gone. I sometimes hear Alex's voice in the walls and another guys voice that I don't recognize... I can never tell what their saying... But it kinda creeps me out... And I wanna know what's going on..... Again, you don't have to, but I'd REALLY appreciate it!
Anyway... Bye!!!
I hope you consider it...

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