I spat out the juice I'd just been sipping and wiped my mouth.

"We have to meet the leaders? Aren't they pretty much the most important people around here?"

My mum passed me a napkin from the table and nodded, "Every person in Nentarli is important but the leaders are the highest officials, yes. There will also be other people of power there, as well as many noble families. We will be travelling to the capital of the Southern Sector, Eribourne. So before then, you need to know what is appropriate as many of them will want to meet the four, or five of you." She gave Kayle a side glance and he smirked widely to himself.

I frowned with that idea fixed in my mind, having to go to a big dinner where loads of dignitaries in strange clothes, doing strange things, would be asking us questions that we were expected to know the answers to.

"So technically, we're going back to school?" I asked finally and saw the horrified expression on Emy's face.

Neither of us had particularly liked school, we definitely didn't want to go back to that.

"I suppose you could put it that way but it will be more fun," my dad said with what he must have thought was an encouraging smile. I thought it looked a little bit like gloating.

At that point, people walked in from the direction of what I guessed was the kitchen and began to clear the table. They replaced what had been there seconds before with desserts. I could tell because I could smell the sweetness of some of the dishes, the parents thanked them as they left. I knew I wouldn't get used to having servants but for the moment I couldn't do anything except enjoy the tastes of the desserts we tried.

The conversation turned a little lighter while everyone ate but I could still feel the tension of what had been discussed. There was a lot to process and I noticed Emy, Blaike and Kaleb were much quieter than they had been before. My mind kept going back to whag had happened to Blaike and Kaleb's parents, and I began to realise that that could have so easily been Emy and I, and our parents.

The shudder that went down my spine didn't go unnoticed, Emy nudged my leg and I looked over at her. She was worried and not just about me, I could see it so deeply in her eyes and I wished I could stop it but there was no taking it away this time. I held her hand and squeezed it briefly to reassure her I was okay and then let go. I tried to finish my dessert, which I wasn't enjoying as much by then.

Once we were all done, my mum and Emy's stood up, clasping their hands in front of them when they addressed us.

"You have the rest of the day to relax, do whatever you want, if you wish to go outside then you must take someone with you."

"Tomorrow we will begin your lessons and training, we must speak to some instructors for you all and that includes Blaike and Kaleb."

They looked startled at hearing their names which really didn't suit them, they hadn't been this rattled even when we were facing that Dark monstrosity.

"Why must we be trained? We have trained our whole lives," Blaike responded with a curt nod, as though that should be the end of it.

Colensa and my mum shook their heads. "You have not trained in every aspect of fighting and I'm sure your etiquette could use some refreshing. It will be good for all of you to spend the time learning together."

"I just hope you are not too overwhelmed in such a short time."

I frowned at them both, "I can't really remember a time in all of this when I wasn't overwhelmed by something. When did we get to the part about us choosing to do this?"

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