He Is Different

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They both arrived to Shaurya's house everyone was very tired.
Few of the rituals were to be completed.
After performing all the rituals, Manya was sent to Shaurya's room.
She was made to sit on the bed
Her mother in law said-"Beta be comfortable & if you need anything tell to Shaurya".
After saying this she went out of the room.

Manya's POV

His house was just 30 minutes away from mine.
Thus as my tears were dried we reached the house.
I went in I was welcomed very warmly in the house everybody inspite of being tired was cheerful.
Few after wedding rituals were left so after completing it my mother in law took me to "his" room.
It was around 11 pm.
Mum made me sit on the bed and told me to be very comfortable.
On hearing her gentle words I felt soothing and gave her a smile she smiled back & wished me goodnight and left the room.

I was very much nervous..
Many drastic thoughts were crossing my mind. Many questions were there.
After all it is my FIRST NIGHT with a complete STRANGER.
"What if he wants to consummate on the very first night?"
"What if he is rude,arrogant, and he beats me..?"
"What if he says anything to my father about me though he assured him to take care of me but still..?".
"What if he comes to know that I am not happy with this marriage..?"
"What if he comes to know that I married him just for my parents happiness?"
"What if he comes to know about my past..?"
And many more what if's passed through my mind.
Yes I am an independent girl I don't need to rely on somebody but we live in a society where every average aged girl should get married and focus on her NEW family who are completely STRANGERS to her.
I have been given firm instructions too on how to make my "Husband & In laws happy". I have been told to follow my husband and his will.
Why? Because am married now just wow huhh.

In between these thoughts I heard door's opening
"OMG he is here", furiously my mind said to me and I was back to the real world.
He closed the door & started coming towards me.
"Stay Away", my mind said again to me
I decided to tell Shaurya that I didn't married him for all this, I just married him for my parents sake but now my wish and will should also matter because I FREAKING DONT KNOW YOU.
He sat in front of me looking at the ceiling. After that what he said to my shock I wasn't expecting that from a guy.

Shaurya's POV

Okay so am a married man now & have a wife whom I don't even know.
Things were so different a year ago but now..
Constant fluctuations were going on in my mind.
It's my first night I'll have to be very genuine and clear that I don't want any physical relationship from now on infact I don't even know if I'll ever give her the happiness that a husband gives to his wife.
The intimacy a wife & husband shares I won't be able to give her because of my disheartening and stupid past..
But still I cant make her suffer I promise to become her bestfriend instead of a soulmate, I'll take care of her , I'll provide her everything she wants..but am not sure about LOVE..

Thinking all these I entered my room and saw her sitting inside and came to conscious that I need to be true but not awkward
I went to her and sat beside her and to avoid any kind of eye contact I looked to the ceiling.
*Why god why am I behaving like a confused kid*

After a minute I turned to her, she was looking down & as far as I noticed she was more nervous than me.

I softly said,"Umm,hey"
She replied,"Uh..hi.."
"Do you need something" asked I
"Umm no I was just tired"
"Yes the day was very tiring, and look at yourself you are still in those heavy jewels & dress"
"Even you are"she said.
"Ohh..ya"I astonished.
I said," Please go and change and have some comfy clothes, I'll also change here it's too uncomfortable & tiring".
I said this and stood up.
She also looked up to me, I pointed towards the bathroom door.
She stood up and went inside taking some clothes.
I changed to my boxers & tee
She came outside wearing her pyjamas & tee.
I was in a call.
She was just standing in front of the bed I ended the call & said to avoid any awkwardness,"It's late you should take rest"
"What about you?"she asked
"Uh..don't worry I'll sleep on the couch"
"Ya,goodnight"I ended the convo.
"Goodnight"said she.
I wanted to tell her about my past and my wish of not wanting to get married but thought this is too soon for her to know all this she has just left her parents house I cant hurt her..


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